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It's a gradely life up yonder, in spite of the snow and cold ay, I would ask no better than to end my days there, but it's over easy and peaceful in a world that's brimming with misery, and I've been feeling like Jonah when he fled with his message." Aline smiled at me over her shoulder, and I stared at him in amaze, saying, "I never found it either particularly easy or peaceful.

"Aye, well enough," groaned Robert; "but it's so beautiful. I cannot choose but cry!" "Is't th' music, feyther?" inquired his daughter. "Nay, nay it's them there little stacks. Eh, they're they're gradely. I never see sich a seet i' my life." If this was not susceptibility, I don't know where to look for it.

Old Ruth promised to mind the babe gradely; and our Rachel got back as quick as she could, but it were later nor she intended. Jim were not coming home till late, and I were off myself for a day or two. When our Rachel came to the house door, she tried to open it, but couldn't; it were fast somehow. She knocked, but no one answered.

I've seen many a drunkard with two faces t'one as makes the wife and childer glad, and t'other as makes their hearts ache and jump into their mouths with fear. But you've ne'er seen that in a gradely abstainer." "You're a self-righteous old sinner," said another. "I'm a sinner, I know," was Old Crow's reply; "but I'm not self- righteous, I hope.

Ted stood by with his thumbs in his waistcoat pockets, smiling to himself. "Yon's gradely chickens," he remarked presently. "Ye never eat 'em do ye? 'Twouldn't be respectful, I shouldn't think." Margaret vouchsafed no reply. Ted resumed, with bitter sarcasm. "H'm, mich the same as their r'yal namesakes, I reckon kept for show an' no manner o' use to nobry."

"Jacob," said his master earnestly, "I trust, if I'm spared, that I shall really turn over a new leaf, gradely, as you'd say. The drink has been my curse, my ruin, and almost my death. I'll give it up altogether, and sign the pledge, if God raises me up to health and strength again." "Ay, do, mayster," replied the other; "it'll be the best thing you ever did in all your life."

"Oh, is that it!" cried Jacob, greatly relieved; "then I can manage it gradely, I haven't a doubt." And he did manage it gradely. Never was there a more willing learner or trustworthy servant his was the service of love; and every day bound him more and more firmly to his young master with the cords of devoted affection. Frank returned the attachment with all the natural warmth of his character.

They do say our parson ud like to have it pulled clean down an a new one built. Onyways, they're goin to clear th' Brontes' pew away, an sich a rumpus as soom o' t' Bradford papers have bin makin, and a gradely few o' t' people here too!

"And what-like nature o' a nag may this Tod be?" he asked, speaking with so easy a familiarity, and holding the pewter so invitingly that Ned Blossom responded as to an old friend. "Gradely bit o' stuff sure-ly," he replied. "And do love to fill his collar; but sulky-like he's been on t' road this day, wi' Fancy doin' nowt to share."

But I couldn't lick him gradely because th' landlord come in and stopped us; so after a while I went hooum. Next morning I was going along Dale Street towards the docks to work, when who should I see but that varra same blackfellow: it looked as if th' devil was in it. He was by hisself this time, coming along at th' other side of th' street.