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Mends is worth misdeeds. Men goes over the dike at the laichest. Might oftentimes overcomes right. Neirest the King, neirest the Widdie. No man can play the fool so well as the wise man. No plea is best. Nature passes Nurture. New Lords, new Laws. Neirest the heart, neirest the mouth. Na man can both sup and blow together. Nothing comes sooner to light, than that which is long hid.

He thocht aiblins if the bank manager saw it he micht "pairt" but deevil a bodle wull he hand ower, though the doctor saw him himsel'. The Minister nodded his apprehension, then taking the pipe out of his mouth, inquired, 'Wha was the puir widdie woman?

It is well said, but who will bell the Cat? It is short while seen the louse boore the langelt. I have a sliddery Eel by the tail. It is as meet as a Sow to bear a Saddle. It is as meet as a thief for the widdie. I would I had as meikle pepper as he counts himself worthy Mice dirt. It will be an ill web to bleitch. I cannot find you both tails and ears.

'Noo Mistress Wallace had nae bairns o' her ain, ye ken, an' it pleasured her fine to be a godmither to the fatherless bairn, but bein' verra frail i' body, she didna get the codicil signed an' witnessed before her "stroke." 'Weel, the doctor, he kenned aal about the hail matter, an' he gied the puir widdie the bit paper, since he was managin' her bit affairs.

We play Avondale Schedule, you know." "Oh yes," said Mr. Wrenn, timorously.... He had once heard of Carbondale in New Jersey or Pennsylvania or somewhere but that didn't seem to help much. "Well, you see, you either make or go back," continued Tom. "Plus and minus, you know. Joker is high, then right bower, left, and ace. Then uh let's see; high bid takes the cat widdie, you know and discards.

'Weel, there was anither puir widdie a far-off cousin o' hers, that had a bairn born till her after her man died, and the puir widdie juist askit Mistress Wallace to be its godmither.

"Noo," said the groom; "noo, her was a widdie we just coom over fram Ecclefechan"; then, lowering his voice to a confidential whisper, "We're goin' baack on the morrow. It's cheaper thaan to ha' a big, spread weddin'." This answer banished all tender sentiment from me and made useless my plans for a dainty love-story, but I seized upon the name of the place whence they came. "Ecclefechan!