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"I dink me you vos left der Hall for goot, yah!" "Hans Mueller!" came from Sam. "Then you are going back, too? I thought you had scarlet fever?" "Not much I ain't," said the German youth. "I vos eat too much of dem puckveat cakes alretty, und dot makes mine face preak owid, put I ain't got no scarlet fefers, nein! How you vos alretty annahow?" And he shook hands as Larry had done.

"Who knocked me der pack ofer annahow?" "Nobody hit you, Hans." "Who put geese grease der groundt on ver I run, hey?" "Nobody." "Well, did I knock der stick town?" "No, you didn't come anywhere near the stick." "Do I got some more trials?" "I think, Mueller, that you had better retire," said Captain Putnam with a smile. "High jumping does not seem to agree with you." "Maype dot's so, captain.

Then he was dumped on the ground with a dull thud. "Mine cracious! vot does dis mean annahow"? he demanded, as he struggled to his feet. "Does you vants to kill me alretty, drowing me aroundt like a log of vood, hey"? There was no answer, and now he looked at the cadets, to discover that each wore a black mask, with a hood from which two black horns protruded.

Veil, I ton't care annahow. I vill drow der hammer ven ve haf some more of dem kondests," and then Hans dropped to the rear. Rockley was the next to jump, and his record was an inch better than that already made. "That's all right," said Lew Flapp. Two other pupils now took their turns in jumping and Rockley's record was speedily eclipsed. Then Dick came along and sent the record still higher.

Tat's teh 'shteam prate'. I to-undt know for vot effrapotty puys tat prate annahow! Ovver you yoost vait dtill you see mine prate!" "Mr. Bison," said Narcisse, "Mr. Bison," he had been trying to stop him and get in a word of his own, but could not, "I don't know if you Mr. Mr. Bison, in fact, you din unde'stood me.

At this Hans grew suspicious, and at length a sickly grin overspread his features. "I know you, Tom Rofer," he said. "Dot vos von of dem fish stories, ain't it alretty?" "No, it's a jibberjacker story, Hans." "It vos a jibjacker fish story den annahow. You can't fool me some more. I vos too schmart for dot alretty. Ven I go py der academy I git mine ear teeths cut, hey?"

"See how pale he is getting," came from George Granbury. "Hans, are you going to die? "Don't say the coffee is going to poison him," burst out Tom. "I was reading about poison getting into the coffee at this hotel last week. But, of course " "Did da got poison py der coffee in here?" demanded Hans. "To be sure, put " "How vos dot poisoned coffee taste annahow?" "I'm sure I don't know."