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"Next time yous come along we'll have had a drop o' rain, an' then you can drownd yourselfs if you want to," said the stationmaster. They started out at four o'clock with the information that Gaynor's Station was a collection of weather-board huts, a homestead put together by five lads from England who were trying to make a fortune each. They had not yet made a living between them.

Markley, baffled, turned with a red face toward Geisler. "It's all right for you to talk," he said in an aggrieved tone, "but we are all young fellows. We have our careers in front of us. We want to make something of ourselves " "Ach!" broke out the German explosively, waving his pipe about angrily, "make deaders of yourselfs. Dot is vot you shouldt do. Go on. Dere are your pay checks.

Ve vill find out zee port he is going to, ant you vill meet me zere. Vait for me if I have not arrived or I vill vait for you. I have longed to visit Sumatra, ant vat better fronds could I go viz zan yourselfs?" "But, my good friend," returned the hermit, "my movements may not exactly suit yours. Here they are, you can judge for yourself.

"And if you can't converse with the man why did you not say so? How came you to tell us what he was saying a few minutes ago?" The attention of all was now called to Swartboy, who seemed overpowered with joy. It was some time before he was able to make himself understood; but at last he was heard to mutter: "I tole you that Congo was a ole fool. Now you all see for yourselfs. Look at 'im!

Ve vill find out zee port he is going to, ant you vill meet me zere. Vait for me if I have not arrived or I vill vait for you. I have longed to visit Sumatra, ant vat better fronds could I go viz zan yourselfs?" "But, my good friend," returned the hermit, "my movements may not exactly suit yours. Here they are, you can judge for yourself.

I sends un cartel you comprends to ze gros bon ami de ma Marie, ce cochon d'un epicier! We meets in ze Bois: I gives him one leetel tierce en carte dat spoils his lovemakings for awhile; and, I leeves France again for evers dat is, unless ma patrie and ze sacred cause of ze Republique Francaise calls upon me but, not till den! So, you sees, my youngish friends, dat oders suffer like yourselfs.

"Look here, white folks," began the negro, "Ah don't want no trouble, but youall mustn't go rangin' aroun' thoo mah place like this here 'thout 'splainin' yourselfs. This is mah fahm." "Yes, it is your farm," cried Frank. "You've got as many farms as a hen's got teeth! All your farms are in your mind!" "Nemmine about dat, boys," grinned the black.