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On the 28th of the month the Singtam Soubah came up from Yeumtong, to request leave to depart for his home, on account of his wife's illness; and to inform me that Dr. I therefore left Momay on the 30th, to meet him at Choongtam, arriving at Yeumtong the same night, amid heavy rain and sleet. A Polygonum still in flower here, was in ripe fruit near Momay, 6000 feet higher up the valley.

The Singtam Soubah was intensely disgusted with my determination: he accompanied me next day to the pass, and having exhausted his persuasions, threats, and warnings about snow, wind, robbers, starvation, and Cheen sepoys, departed on the 12th for Yeumtong, leaving me truly happy for the first time since quitting Dorjiling.

Leave Lachoong for Tunkra pass Moraines and their vegetation Pines of great dimensions Wild currants Glaciers Summit of pass Elevation Views Plants Winds Choombi district Lacheepia rock Extreme cold Kinchinjunga Himalayan grouse Meteorological observations Return to Lachoong Oaks Ascent to Yeumtong Flats and debacles Buried pine-trunks Perpetual snow Hot springs Behaviour of Singtam Soubah Leave for Momay Samdong Upper limit of trees Distribution of plants Glacial terraces, etc.

Campbell leaves Dorjiling for Sikkim Leave Momay Yeumtong Lachoong Retardation of vegetation at low elevations Choongtam Landslips and debacle Meet Dr.

I was disappointed at finding the rhododendron seeds still immature at Yeumtong, for I was doubtful whether the same kinds might be met with at the Chola pass, which I had yet to visit; besides which, their tardy maturation threatened to delay me for an indefinite period in the country.

Such debacles must often bury standing forests in a very favourable material, climate, and position for becoming fossilized. On the 30th of August I arrived at Yeumtong, a small summer cattle-station, on a flat by the Lachoong, 11,920 feet above the sea; the general features of which closely resemble those of the narrow Swiss valleys.

Their termination must therefore be far below that point at which all the snow that falls melts, which is the theoretical line of perpetual snow. Before returning I attempted to proceed northwards to the great glacier, hoping to descend by its lateral moraine, but a heavy snow-storm drove me down to Yeumtong.

At a fork of the valley several miles above Yeumtong, and below the great glacier of Chango Khang, the ancient moraines are prodigious, much exceeding any I have elsewhere seen, both in extent, in the size of the boulders, and in the height to which the latter are piled on one another.

We descended to Yeumtong in a cold drizzle, arriving by sunset; we remained through the following day, hoping to explore the lower glacier on the opposite side of the valley: which, however, the weather entirely prevented.

Ascent of Bhomtso View of snowy mountains Chumulari Arun river Kiang-lah mountains Jigatzi Lhama Dingcham province of Tibet Misapplication of term "Plain of Tibet" Sheep, flocks of Crops Probable elevation of Jigatzi Yarn Tsampu river Tame elephants Wild horses Dryness of air Sunset beams Rocks of Kinchinjhow Cholamoo lakes Limestone Dip and strike of rocks Effects of great elevation on party Ascent of Donkia Moving piles of debris Cross Donkia pass Second Visit to Momay Samdong Hot springs Descent to Yeumtong Lachoong Retardation of vegetation again noticed Jerked meat Fish Lose a thermometer Lepcha lad sleeps in hot spring Keadom Bucklandia Arrive at Choongtam Mendicant Meepo Lachen-Lachoong river Wild grape View from Singtam of Kinchinjunga Virulent nettle.