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"No one making trouble for you, my friend," answered the Clerk of the Court, "but someone who was trying to do you a good turn." "He must have been a stranger then," returned Jean Jacques bitterly. "Who was it?" M. Fille, after an instant's further hesitation, told him. "Oh, him M. Momay!" exclaimed Jean Jacques, with a look of relief, his face lighting.

"No one making trouble for you, my friend," answered the Clerk of the Court, "but someone who was trying to do you a good turn." "He must have been a stranger then," returned Jean Jacques bitterly. "Who was it?" M. Fille, after an instant's further hesitation, told him. "Oh, him M. Momay !" exclaimed Jean Jacques, with a look of relief, his face lighting.

Birds flock to the grass about Momay; larks, finches, warblers, abundance of sparrows, feeding on the yak-droppings, and occasionally the hoopoe; waders, cormorants, and wild ducks were sometimes seen in the streams, but most of them were migrating south. The yaks are driven out to pasture at sunrise, and home at sunset, till the middle of the month, when they return to Yeumtong.

Momay Samdong is situated in a broad part of the Lachoong valley, where three streams meet; it is on the west of Chango Khang, and is six miles south-east of Kinchinjhow, and seven south-west of Donkia: it is in the same latitude as Palung, but scarcely so lofty.

Direct experiment with internal heat has not, however, been carried beyond 2000 feet below the surface, and as the ratio of increment diminishes with the depth, that above assigned to the temperature of 110 degrees is no doubt much too little. The Momay springs more probably owe their temperature to chemical decomposition of sulphurets of metals.

Leave Lachoong for Tunkra pass Moraines and their vegetation Pines of great dimensions Wild currants Glaciers Summit of pass Elevation Views Plants Winds Choombi district Lacheepia rock Extreme cold Kinchinjunga Himalayan grouse Meteorological observations Return to Lachoong Oaks Ascent to Yeumtong Flats and debacles Buried pine-trunks Perpetual snow Hot springs Behaviour of Singtam Soubah Leave for Momay Samdong Upper limit of trees Distribution of plants Glacial terraces, etc.

Forked Donkia Moutonneed rocks Ascent to Donkia pass Vegetation Scenery Lakes Tibet Bhomtso Arun river Kiang-lah mountains Yaru-Tsampu river Appearance of Tibet Kambajong Jigatzi Kinchinjhow, and Kinchinjunga Chola range Deceptive appearance of distant landscape Perpetual snow Granite Temperatures Pulses Plants Tripe de roche Return to Momay Dogs and yaks Birds Insects Quadrupeds Hot springs Marmots Kinchinjhow glacier.

Before leaving Momay; I sealed two small glass flasks containing the air of this elevation, by closing with a spirit lamp a very fine capillary tube, which formed the opening to each; avoiding the possibility of heating the contents by the hand or otherwise. The result of its analysis by Mr. Such a result is too anomalous to be considered satisfactory.

Donkia glaciers Moraines Dome of ice Honey-combed surface Rocks of Donkia Metamorphic action of granite veins Accident to instruments Sebolah pass Bees, and May-flies View Temperature Pulses of party Lamas and travellers at Momay Weather and climate Dr.

Snowy mountains rise nearly all round it: those on its south and east divide Sikkim from the Phari province in Tibet; those on the north terminate in a forked or cleft peak, which is a remarkable and conspicuous feature from Momay.