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It was a long, long session, and all the old ground was fought over again, foot by foot, and the orator-expert worked all his persuasions, all his eloquence; but the result was the familiar one a drawn battle, the sixty-two retiring upon their base, the solitary enemy holding her original position within her original lines. 16 Joan Stands Defiant Before the Rack

Such as are wrought on by these persuasions, either starve themselves of their own accord, or take opium, and by that means die without pain.

But the Reform Bill of 1832, like the Emancipation Act which preceded it, on the contrary, contained in itself, in its very principle, the seeds and elements of farther change. The Emancipation Act, following and combined with the repeal of the Test Act, rendered it almost inevitable that religious toleration would in time be extended to all persuasions, even to those adverse to Christianity.

He knew that I would bring all sorts of persuasions to bear upon him to get him started over to my sample room, and just about the time he thought I was going to quit he said, 'Vell, I look but I vont gif you an orter. Of course that was all I wished for.

Virginia's mood was not one to promote presence of mind. She was speechless; but Roger stepped in to the breach. "We were talking of a swim that George and I propose to have in these pleasant waters," he remarked. "There are supposed to be a good many sharks about, and Virginia is advising prudence." "Oh!" breathed Lady Gardiner. "She is quite right. We will all join our persuasions to hers.

"How much for this precious library, just as it stands, all complete?" called the auctioneer. "Fifty pieces of gold!" "A hundred!" "Two hundred." "Three!" "Four!" "Five hundred!" "Five twenty-five." A brief pause. "Five forty!" A longer pause, while the auctioneer redoubled his persuasions. "Five-forty-five!"

Wherefore light against light in this last place, or where it is thus repeated, cannot, I think, be more fitly applied than to that now under our consideration; that is to say, than to the opposite persuasions, different apprehensions, and thwart conclusions, that are constantly drawn from the same texts to maintain a diverse practice.

Rather will I act according to my will, and you may do exactly, as you think best. "If I chose, I could do something very good without you, although some persons are so fond of saying that it was quite necessary for the Queen of England to do what she does for her own protection. No, no! Disabuse yourselves of that impression. These are but false persuasions.

"Do not deceive yourself, my dear uncle," said he; "your persuasions would have been unavailing but for the suggestions of my own wishes. I am not one of those enthusiasts who entered on your cause with high hopes and chivalrous designs: I asked but forgetfulness and excitement I have found them!

The child, her suspicions awakened in regard to the character of the money she had been employed to pass off, was no longer available for that purpose. So firmly resolved was she not to do what was wrong, that threats and persuasions were alike unavailing. Added to this was the danger of her encountering some one sent in search of her by the Crumps.