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Flannagan's, I said out loud 'twas most too cool on the boat up the river and John Edward he asked if the monkeys wa'n't cute!" "Peggy, Peggy, my child!" said Miss Margery. "Don't you know it's sinful to tell lies?" "Yessum lies that hurt folks. Them's little white lies. They don't do no harm." "There aren't any white lies, Peggy. They are all black. It is wrong, it is sinful, to tell a falsehood.

"Didn't officer McFlaerty bring the money from your father on Monday?" "Yessum, lady," confessed Peggy. "Your mother told me she would put that aside for the rent every cent of it and that it would leave her lacking only one dollar of the rent money. Now you say she is three dollars short. Peggy, I am afraid your family has been wasting money." The Charity lady spoke severely, mindful of Mrs.

Vinsolving?" he said, lifting a tousled head above his palings. "Yessum, she lives there leastwise she did. She moved away only the day before yesterday. Sort of sudden, I think it must have been. I didn't know she was going till she was gone."

I ain't sayin' I's plum won over yit, but 'way down deep insides of me I's stirred yessum, tha's the word stirred. I ain't sayin' the spirit of grace is actually th'owed me, but I feel prone to say I thinks it's fixin' to rassle wid me. I ain't sayin' I stands convicted, but I aims to be a searcher fur the truth; I aims to stop, look, an' lissen.

At the same time I felt myself turning pale, and goose-flesh coming out on my spine. "No, ma'am, Miss Sophy, 't ain't nonsense. It's ha'nts!" protested Fernolia. She was the brighter of the two, but given to embroidering her facts. "Yessum, I done saw 'er," corroborated Queenasheeba.

He aims fur them to be in good condition when he decides it's time to confiscate 'em away frum me and start in wearin' 'em himself. Yessum, my Jeff's mighty funny that way. And now, come to think of it, I do seem to reckerlect that I spilt a lot of ink on 'em that same night." "Well, then, the mystery is no mystery at all," she said.

Saturday morning brought Peggy to see Anne, a sad Peggy with downcast eyes and red nose and croaking voice. "You've a bad cold, Peggy, haven't you?" said Miss Dorcas. Peggy nodded. "Yessum, lady. Terrible bad. Maybe so I'll have the pneumony, like Lois, and maybe so I'll die." "Oh, I hope not!" exclaimed Anne who had hastened out when she heard Peggy.

"Yessum, Ah thought maybe yo'd better see what the cat had, 'cause Ah couldn't make out what 'twas," the cook answered. "Well, now that the excitement is over, we'd better have supper," said Mr. Bobbsey. "Or did you youngsters have enough at the picnic to last until morning?" "We want to eat now!" decided Bert. "That wasn't so much we had at the picnic."

She up an' says, says she "'Is Mizzers Bivins in? "'Yessum, says I, 'she is that-away. An more 'n that, nobody don't hafter come on this hill an' holler more 'n twicet 'thout gittin'some kinder answer back. Yessum! An' what's more, Mizzers Bivins is come to that time er life when she's mighty proud to git calls from the big-bugs.

It was just to make Mrs. Flannagan mad. She put on so many airs 'bout goin' street-car-ridin' last Sunday." "You really didn't go?" Miss Margery asked. "But Mrs. Flannagan says you passed her house five of you dressed for the excursion." "Yessum, lady," Peggy agreed, dimpling. "I wisht you could 'a' seen us.