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He turned quite pale, swung me round so that I lay limp in his arms, and closed his mouth over mine. I got away, and he chased me. We upset things. Then I got outside the shack, ran around the horse-corral, and then around the hay-stacks, with Dinky-Dunk right after me, giving me goose-flesh at every turn. I felt like a cave-woman.

Massa said you'd burn me alibe if you eber cotched me, but you won't, will you?" "We ain't goin' to hurt you," said Shorty. "Sit down there by the fire and git the goose-flesh offen you." Then turning to the boys he remarked sarcastically: "Fine lot o' marksmen you are, for a fact.

Then we were examined again from close quarters in the dark, and there are few less agreeable sensations. The goose-flesh rises and the clammy cold sweat takes all the comfort out of waning courage. But somebody among the shadowy tree-trunks at last seemed to think he recognized familiar attitudes, and asked again who we might be.

Enthusiasm was ill-bred. Enthusiasm was ungentlemanly. They thought of the Salvation Army with its braying trumpets and its drums. Enthusiasm meant change. They had goose-flesh when they thought of all the pleasant old habits which stood in imminent danger. They hardly dared to look forward to the future. "He looks more of a gipsy than ever," said one, after a pause. But conversation halted.

The change made, and you may believe no play-house actor of them all ever doffed or donned a costume quicker, we bound our luckless captive hand and foot, pinned him face downward in the sward, and so leaving him with only his boots for a memento, happily for him the night was no more than goose-flesh cool, we raced back to our peeping-place on the skirting of the camp ground.

As the mournful notes echoed, more than one scout, under his blanket, felt goose-flesh. Ordinarily, in camp, the first night is one of restlessness. But Chester troop was tired. For a while voices sounded faintly. They grew fitful and yawny. Finally they ceased. The camp was asleep under the stars. And then the bugle blew again. Reveille! The scouts tumbled out to a new world.

He felt very happy. He was quite sure that he was not at all in love with Mildred. He was surprised that the old feeling had left him so completely; he discerned in himself a faint physical repulsion from her; and he thought that if he touched her it would give him goose-flesh. He could not understand himself. Presently, knocking at the door, she came in again.

It had too many thrilling associations to please them; and besides, what was the use of going out of their way just to feel the "goose-flesh" creep over their bodies when an owl hooted, or some little forest animal gave a grunt? K.K., being young and healthy, and attended carefully by good old Doctor Cadmus, was not confined to the house for many weeks.

For the flight was arriving, and the Hudson Bay man knows very well the flavor of goose-flesh, smoked, salted, and barrelled. Now the voyageurs began to stroll into the sun. They were men of leisure. Picturesque, handsome, careless, debonair, they wandered back and forth, smoking their cigarettes, exhibiting their finery.

What do you see? It looks fuzzy, doesn't it? Ever and ever so many tiny little hairs are on it. The other day a little boy asked me what made his skin look so rough? I looked, and saw that all the little hairs were standing on end, so that his skin looked like "goose-flesh." It was because he was cold.