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"I don't think that would be nice at all. I'm going to be a beautiful lady the most beautiful lady in the world! And I'm going to live in a yellow castle, with yellow pillars to the portico, and a square thing on top, like Mr. Sawyer's. My children are going to have a play-house up there. There's going to be a spy-glass in the window, to look out of.

"I was very fond of fencing when I was in France, but have had no opportunity of practising since I came to England. I went to a bull-bait once, but thought it a cruel sport." "I suppose you go to a play-house sometimes?" "No; I have never been inside one. A good deal of my work has been done in the evening, and I don't know that the thought ever occurred to me to go.

You do not see that if that man were my lover it would not have been necessary for him to talk to me at the play-house in that box; he would have a thousand other ways of meeting me. Oh, no, my friend, I assure you that since the day when I had the happiness to meet you, I have been yours entirely. Could I have been another's? What you imagine is monstrous. But I love you, I love you!

Even were he free to go as he pleased, he knew not where to turn; for the Lord Chamberlain's company would not be at the Blackfriars play-house until Martinmas; and before that time to look for even Master Will Shakspere at random in London town would be worse than hunting for a needle in a haystack.

"Nay," cried Lord Bolingbroke, "there is as much scope for vanity in sackcloth as there is in cambric; for vanity is like the Irish ogling master in the "Spectator," and if it teaches the play-house to ogle by candle-light, it also teaches the church to ogle by day! But, pardon me, Monsieur Chaulieu, how well you look!

England, strong, punctual, practical, well-spoken England I should not find if I should go to the island to seek it. In the parliament, in the play-house, at dinner-tables, I might see a great number of rich, ignorant, book-read, conventional, proud men, many old women, and not anywhere the Englishman who made the good speeches, combined the accurate engines, and did the bold and nervous deeds.

Not content with interrupting Madame XAVIER, and hissing her off the stage, they waited for her at the door of the play-house, and loaded her with the grossest abuse and imprecations. Mademoiselle GEORGES made her debut in the character of Clitemnestre, and was well received. Her beauty excited enthusiasm, and effected a wonderful change in public opinion.

Burrows all sola a my closet, and did there 'baiser and toucher ses mamelles'.... Thence away, and with my wife by coach to the Duke of York's play-house, expecting a new play, and so stayed not no more than other people, but to the King's house, to "The Mayd's Tragedy;" but vexed all the while with two talking ladies and Sir Charles Sedley; yet pleased to hear their discourse, he being a stranger.

"She's up in the play-house at it now, I suppose," said Alexia, "dressing every one of them for the party to-morrow." "Yes," said Polly, "she is." "Well, I hope no one will give her a doll to-morrow," said Alexia, "at least no one but Mr. King. Of course he will." "Oh! no one else will," declared Polly cheerfully. "Of course not, Alexia."

The saying was wrung from Godolphin and was not said unkindly, though it seemed so for he too had tears in his eyes. "Ah," said she, "the play-house has indeed taught us, in our youth, many things which the real world could not teach us better."