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P. called and begged that the Chronicle might still be kept silent. He observed, that he mixed with these people, and found it to be the true policy. Although this is not my opinion, yet we must be governed by the advice of the majority. Governor Morgan Lewis speaks of the proceedings openly as disgraceful, illiberal, and ungentlemanly.

It had been customary every term for the Birchites to play a match against them either at cricket or football; but their conduct during a visit paid to the ground of the latter, back in the previous summer, had been so very ungentlemanly and unsportsmanlike that, when the next challenge arrived for an encounter at football, Mr.

And if he were not lively about it, if he did not go with a nimble hop-skip-and-jump, then Tashtego had an ungentlemanly way of accelerating him by darting a fork at his back, harpoon-wise.

They freely used their vocabulary for the benefit of De Morgan, whom they denounced as a scurrilous scribbler, a defamatory, dishonest, abusive, ungentlemanly, and libellous trickster. He bore this shower of abuse with exceeding patience and good nature.

He reflected, with much probability on his side, that Lydgate would by-and-by be caught tripping too, and that his ungentlemanly attempts to discredit the sale of drugs by his professional brethren, would by-and-by recoil on himself. He threw out biting remarks on Lydgate's tricks, worthy only of a quack, to get himself a factitious reputation with credulous people.

If one member charges another with ungentlemanly or criminal conduct, he must follow up his charge and prove it, in which case the culprit is no longer recognized as a gentleman; or if he fails to make good his accusation, and neglects to atone for his offence by ample and satisfactory apologies, he is promptly "sent to Coventry" as a convicted calumniator.

Johnson was regarded as one who had broken faith, and the memory of the disgraceful exhibition of himself in a drunken state at the inauguration ceremonies, which under ordinary circumstances everybody would have been glad to forget, was revived, so as to make him appear as a person of ungentlemanly character.

And it was while she was so sitting that Cleek came into the room and did a most unusual, a most ungentlemanly thing, in the eyes of the major and his son. Without hesitating, he walked to within a yard or two of where she was sitting, and then, in the silliest of his silly tones, blurted out suddenly: "I say, don't you know, I've had a jolly rum experience.

George stood upon the capsill of the wharf, with mortification pictured in his countenance. "Well, captain, you needn't make so much noise about it; your conduct is decidedly ungentlemanly. If you don't wish to sail in father's employ, leave like a gentleman," said George, pulling up the corners of his shirt-collar.

The only ungentlemanly thing I ever did in my life was to " He checked the angry words, biting his lips to keep them down. "Was to desert your wife," she supplied scathingly. "No! To marry her!" He blurted it out in his rage. "Oh!" she cried, shrinking farther away from him, cut to the quick. He regarded her with cold, fishy eyes. She was uncommonly pretty, he was bound to admit that.