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I'd go off with him a heap easier ef he'd call me jest plain Aunt Ri, ez I'm used ter, or Mis Hyer, either un on 'em; but Aunt Ri's the nateralest." Jos had some anxiety about his mother's memory of the way to San Jacinto. She laughed. "Don't yeow be a mite oneasy," she said. "I bet yeow I'd go clean back ter the States ther way we cum.

"Yap-yurr, yap-yurr," and then, "yurr, yeow," it came again and again. "Can we get him?" said the eager young hunter. The Indian shook his head. "Fur no good now. An' that's a she-one, with young ones on the hillside." "How do you know?" was the amazed inquiry. "And she has cubs, 'cause all have at this season.

I followed it through a thicket, and came to an open stony place, with a sharp drop of five or six feet to dense cover below. The odor came from this cover, so I jumped down; when yeow, karrrr, pft-pft! Almost under my feet a gray thing leaped away snarling, followed by another.

He come last month; he's a reel nice man. I seen him 'n' talked with him a spell, last week; I'm gwine to make his wife a rag carpet. 'N' there's a doctor, too, to 'tend ter yer when ye're sick, 'n' the Guvvermunt pays him; yer don't hev to pay nothin'; 'n' I tell yeow, thet's a heap o' savin', to git yer docterin' fur nuthin'!" Aunt Ri was out of breath.

"Yeow!" howled the cowboys, but Grace did not hear them, for the pony had dropped to all fours, and no sooner had his feet touched the ground than he leaped clear of it, coming down stiff-legged with a jolt that jarred Grace Harlowe throughout her body in spite of her effort to soften the shock by throwing most of her weight on the stirrups.

When, however, the smoke lifted, giving him a momentary view, he saw that the gap was rapidly closing. All at once his attention was drawn from the closing gap. "Yeow ! Yeow! Yeow! Y-e-o-w!" A series of shrill, blood curdling yells from out the pall of smoke and flame at the rear, bombarded his ears. At first he thought it was Indians; then the improbability of this being the case came to him.

All this seemed to him exceedingly suspicious. Could it be possible that Aunt Ri and Jos, the first whites except Mr. Hartsel he had ever trusted, were deceiving him? No; that was impossible. But they themselves might be deceived. That they were simple and ignorant, Alessandro well knew. "Let us go!" he said. "I do not wish to sign any paper." "Naow don't be a fool, will yeow?

The man did not live, nor could the occasion arrive, which would quicken his constitutional drawl. Before even beginning his answer he crossed one leg over the other and took a long, observant look at Felipe; then in a pleasant voice he said: "Wall, Senor, I allow yer air a Senor by yer color, it would take right smart uv time tew tell yeow haow I cum by thet hoss, 'n' by the other one tew.

But they didn't know they had started a chain reaction that would affect their very lives. "We passed!" Tom turned away from the lists posted on the dormitory bulletin board and with his arms around Astro and Roger pushed through the knot of cadets. "Yeow!" bellowed Astro. "We made it," murmured Roger with a note of disbelief in his voice. "We made it!"

He never hed none er them wandrin' spells till arter thet. Naow I allow thet wa'n't right eh thet docter. I wouldn't hev no sech docter's thet raound my Agency, ef I wuz yeow. Pr'aps yer never heered uv thet. I told Ramony I didn't bleeve yer knowed it, or ye'd hev made him go." "No, Aunt Ri," said the Agent; "I could not have done that; he is only required to doctor such Indians as come here."