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"Ya'as, Miss Zoe," he answered, with a broad grin of satisfaction; "dat's what I'se been a workin' for, an' spects to hab sho', kase Miss Elsie, she doan' nebber grudge nuffin' in de way ob praise nor ob wages, when yo's done yo' bes', ob co'se; an' dis chile done do dat, sho's yo' bawn."

"Ya'as, Malviny, he was tell er minit ergo, 'n' he stepped out to th' lot," replied the old lady, in tones so like the expression of her face, mildly calm, that it was a pleasure to hear her speak. "Ha" ye got thet baby wi' ye?" "Ya'as, 'm." "I wish ye'd put her on my lap. Gra'mammy 'ain't had 'er none ter-day." "Ya'as, 'm, in er minit.

"Yer right, Jim," drawled Joseph Zachariah, lounging in the doorway. "I heerd Zeke White tell 'er he was er-comin' ter-night." "Mar " began Mandy Calline, looking at her mother appealingly. "Shet up, you boys," came in answer. "Zachariah, ha' ye parted th' cows 'n' calves?" "No, 'm." "Then be erbout it straight erway. Jim you Jeems Henry!" "Ya'as, 'm," from outside the window.

"Ya'as," she replied, from a rocking-chair in the corner facing him. Here there was a long pause, and presently she added, "Pappy said es how he tho't it mought rain in er day er two." The family in the sitting-room had settled down, the door being closed between that room and the parlor. "There, mother, gi' Thaney ter me," said Mother Tyler.

"Well, Mandy Calline," began her mother, "ef I do say it myself, yer frock fits jest as nice as can be. Looks like ye had been melted 'n' run into it. Nice langth, too," eying her critically from head to foot. "Ya'as, 'm; 'n' it's comf'ble, too; ain't too tight ner nothin'," giving her shoulders a little twitch, and moving her arms a bit.

"I know ye're tired holdin' of her, fer she ain't no light weight," and she lifted the little one away. "Heigho, Thaney, air ye erwake yit?" questioned the father. "Erwake! Ya'as, 'n' likely ter be," said the mother. "Thaney's one o' th' setters-up, she is." "Give 'er ter me, Malviny. Don't pappy's gal want er ride on pappy's foot? See 'ere, now!

"But, mother, ye don't say nothin' o' what er blessin' ye've ben to us," said her son. "Ye've teached us many er lesson by yer patience in yer blindness." "Ya'as, but, Jeems Henry, I had no call ter be nothin' else but patient; I had no call ter be onreasonable 'n' fret 'n' worry 'n' say that th' Lord had forsakened me when He hadn't.

Suppose I should take a mortgage on that place mind, I don't say I will, but suppose I should how would I know that the mortgage would be paid, or the interest, or anything?" "If it ain't paid you can foreclose when the time comes, I presume likely. As for the interest well, I'm fairly honest, or I try to be, and that'll be paid reg'lar if I live." "Ya'as.

Well, well; I've had er heap ter be thankful fer; th' Lord has been good ter me; fer no mother ever had er better son than ye've allers ben, Jeems Henry; 'n' of Malviny had er ben my own darter, she couldn't er ben more like one; I've alleys ben tuck keer on, 'n' waited on, 'n' 'ain't never ben sat erside fer no one. Ya'as, th' Lord's ben good ter me." She began to fumble for her handkerchief.

I knowed I'd only ter bide my time, 'n' I'm now near seventy-two year old. Dear, dear, how th' time goes! Seems like only th' other day when I was married! Was that nine the clock struck?" "Ya'as, 'm." "Well, I b'lieve I'll git ter bed." "Wait, mother, let me help yer," said her daughter, hastily throwing aside her knitting.