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Three pairs of eyes and an odd one the other was hidden under a bandage stared at him stonily. "Y'see," explained Fitzgerald again, "Big Jake's slipped up. He hasn't realized it yet. Its my little secret. A week ago I thought he had me licked. But somethin' happened, and today I felt like I had to come around and congratulate you fellas. You got a break!

Y'see, I got a date with a Jane to-morra an' I aint hankerin' to lose me way with no mussed map. Not on y'r tintype!" Whereupon the "Iron Man" had proceeded to demonstrate his malleability by assuring Mr. Kendrick that he was ready to agree that the sun rose in the south and made a daily trip straight north to escape the heat, if Mr. Kendrick said so.

"Now, listen to me. That boy wouldn't mind putting his heel on your face if he thought it would bring him up a step. I know'm. Y'see that walking stick he's carrying? Well, compared to the yellow stripe that's in him, that cane is a lead pencil. He's a song tout, that's all he is." Then, more feverishly, as Terry tried to pull away: "Wait a minute. You're a decent girl.

"Wal, I can't rightly give it you down to cents without considerin' Restless some," he replied unctuously. "But we did Toby Randall slap-up in ash fer fifty odd dollars. Then ther' was Sadie O'Brien. We did her elegant in soft pine for twenty-eight odd. It 'ud sure have been twenty-five on'y fer her weight. Y'see the planks under her had to be two inch or she'd ha' fell through."

But Jamie was silently staring up at the man's distorted features. He didn't understand. Wild Bill recovered from his coughing, suddenly bestirred himself. "Guess we'd best git goin', Sunny," he said quietly. "Zip'll likely need to fix things up some. Y'see, Zip," he went on, turning to the father, "Sunny's done his best to kep things goin' right.

"Y'see," he went on, after a while, "we're white folks." "That's how I've always heard. So was Allan Mowbray." Kars picked up a hot coal from the fire, rolled it in the palm of his hand, and dropped it on the bowl of his pipe. Once the pipe was lit he shook it off again. "Allan got around here many times," he said reflectively. "He wasn't murdered on his first visit nor his second.

The girl thought for a moment, and then looked up brightly. "If they was Zip's kids " "I said they ain't." "Well, if they were, I'd say " "See here, cut Zip's kids out. They ain't in this shootin' match," cried Sandy testily. But Birdie persisted slyly. "Y'see, I must get some kids in my eye if I'm to answer you right," she said. "I can see things better that way. Now, if they were Zip's kids "

Y'see, I ain't wise to starch." "Blamed if I am either," agreed Sunny. Then his more practical mind asserted itself. "Say, starch kind o' fixes things hard, don't it?" he inquired. "It sure does." Scipio was trying to follow out his companion's train of thought. Sunny suddenly sat down on the edge of the table and grinned triumphantly. "Don't use it," he cried, with finality.

"Y'see wouldn't tell ev'body only you," and he laid a mighty hand on Reed's shoulder. "I'm so drunk. Awful pity too bad," and he sighed deeply. "Now, Recky, ol' man, take's home." "Who's your friend, Billy?" Rex inquired, disregarding this appeal. Billy burst into a shout of laughter which Fairfax promptly clipped by putting his hand over the big man's mouth.

He rumbled for a moment. "A soldier lives in a bigger world he tries to matter in. He's protectin' that world and being admired for it. In old, old days his world was maybe a day's march across. Later it got to be continents. They tried to make it planets, but it didn't work. But there've got to be enemies to protect a world against, or a soldier isn't important. He's got no glamour. Y'see?"