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Take Prossy Riggs alongside of me here for instance! HE'S made the biggest strike yet, and is puttin' up a high-toned house on the hill. Well! he'll hev it finished off and furnished slap-up style, you bet! with a Chinese cook, and a Biddy, and a Mexican vaquero to look after his horse but he won't have no mother to housekeep!

"Lord bless you, I knew all about 'em a little in what you may call the respectable thieving line the high style of receiving-house none of your holes and corners first-rate. Slap-up shop, high profits and no mistake. But Lord!

Dash me, if it weren't a swell turnout! horse, coachman, and all, in real slap-up style. It waited so long that I thought it had taken root there." "Come, get on! Was there any one inside?" "I should think there was! I twigged him at once, by the description you gave me.

You've left your old place, then? Have you? 'Have I! returned his young friend, who had by this time stuck his hands into the pockets of his white cord breeches, and was swaggering along at the barber's side. 'D'ye know a pair of top-boots when you see 'em, Polly? look here! 'Beau-ti-ful' cried Mr Sweedlepipe. 'D'ye know a slap-up sort of button, when you see it? said the youth.

The lad met his eyes quietly as he passed, giving him a sullen nod of greeting; evidently he hoped he had not been recognized as the previous day's ambusher. "Is Pedro going to ride the outcast?" Dick asked of Yeager, in surprise. Yeager grinned. "He's going to try. The boy's slap-up rider, but he ain't got it in him to break Teddy no, nor any man in New Mexico ain't."

We'll have some river picnics, too, and breakfasts at the Orchard. There's lots to be done in summer, but just now there's nothing on but teas. You must come to tea in my rooms. I've got a slap-up study." He turned towards Mrs Reeves and addressed her with confident familiarity. "Mrs Reeves will play chaperon, and I'll promise you the best cakes that Cambridge can produce."

Y' see the saloon ain't for such as you," he laughed. "Guess it does for the boys all right. I'm building a slap-up store next just dry goods an' notions. Things are booming right now. They're booming so hard there's no keepin' pace. I'll tie your hosses to this post." His manner was perfect in its amiability, but Joan detested it because of the man.

Bob Irons, who travels in linen on our circuit, told me that he had made some slap-up acquaintances among the genteelest people at Paris, nothing but by offering them Sham. Leave me alone with 'em: I can find out any woman's history in half an hour. She has her place in the coopy, and the coopy holds THREE; so what does Sam Pogson do? he goes and takes the other two. Ain't I up to a thing or two?

They had merely to ask, and that which they asked for was given to them without comment. "Yes," said Uncle Ben to the new-comers, "you has a slap-up time while it lasts." For Uncle Ben was a strong man, and waxed garrulous in his cups. He had made malgamite all his life and nothing would kill him, not even drink. Von Holzen watched Uncle Ben, and did not like him.

Just to test her I took her to see really slap-up premises in another part of Bond Street. She pretended to look at them, but never took the slightest interest. It was just one room she wanted and one room only. "I realized that both she and her friend were either too desperately hard up to engage that room or else they were particularly anxious to do it in some one else's name.