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The smell o' tar and the taste o' salt water wos the fust things I iver comed across 'xcept the Line, I comed across that jist about the time I wos born, so I'm told and the smell o' tar and taste o' salt water's wot I've bin used to most o' my life, and moreover, wot I likes best.

Bruce Brigam is the best cornet player in town. i bet i can play like time if i ever get a cornet. then the rest of them went in and none of them hollered xcept the baby and he always hollers when ennything is the matter. father told Cele that he got old Nigger Tashs scab for her and he gessed she wood begin to turn prety dark culored before a week or 2. Aunt Sarah told Cele he was fooling.

Evelyn has been after us ever since we came here to join them, but something has always kept us away from the meetings each month, so we haven't been 'lected yet. Evelyn says they don't do much but have a good time, anyway, though it is a missionary society. That's about all our Sunshine Club in Parker ever did, too, 'xcept make comfort powders for the sick and mained in the hospital."

"Well, wot have 'ee bin thinkin', lad?" said Muggins, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his coat and wishing for more food but wishing in vain, for he had finished his allowance "you're a good deal given to thinkin', but there's not much ever comes on it, 'xcept wind in the shape o' words."

Frank regarded him with a quiet smile, as he said, "Look again, Bryan. Saw you ever a crow with antlers?" "Anthlers!" exclaimed the Irishman, once more wrinkling up his expressive face, and peering under his palm; "anthlers, say you? Sorra a thing duv I see 'xcept a black spot on the sky. If ye see anthlers on it, ye're nothin' more nor less than a walkin' spy-glass."

June 20. brite and fair. father is cross two. last nite he grabed me by the arm to shake me and it hurt so i hollered like time, and then he let me go and said he forgot about my arm. June 21. brite and fair. Annie is in bed sick with her arm. She always has things the wirst xcept mother, only mother says she hasent enny time to be sick.

"As soon as Macdonell saw this he rose up quietly, but with a look on his face sich as I never see in a man 'xcept when he means to stick at nothin'. He got hold of his double-barrelled gun, an' stuck a scalpin' knife an' an axe in his belt. "`Git on my back, Tommy, says he to his little boy, who was cryin' in a corner. "Tommy got up at once, an' jumped on his dad's back.

My maxim is and it has served me through life, uncommon, `Keep your weather-eye open and your tongue housed 'xcept when you've got occasion to use it. If that fellow'd use his eyes more and his tongue less he'd see your father comin' down the road there, right before the wind; with his old sister in tow." "How I wish he would have let me go with him!" muttered Fred to himself sorrowfully.

It was a good while sence I'd seen the inside o' the room, for when he heerd me comin' up, he'd open the door a crack an' peek out while he spoke to me; so when I got inside the room and looked about, I was all took aback an' gawped round like a fool, an' no wunder nyther; for of all the good furnitoor and things he'd brought, there wa'n't the fust thing to be seen, save and 'xcept a kind o' frame covered with cloth stannin' ag'inst the wall, an' an old straw-bed on the floor, with him on it, an' a mis'able old comf'table kivered over him."

"I never could invent anything, Sall, 'xcept w'en I was tellin' lies, an' that's a long while ago now a long, long while. No; I doubt that I couldn't invent, but I'll tell 'ee what; I'll try to remember some old yarns, and spin them off as well as I can." The new idea broke on Adams's mind so suddenly that his eyes sparkled, and he bestowed a nautical slap on his thigh.