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De honah ob de church is japerdized. Neber-de-less he is a free-agent. De lamp still holes out to burn " "An' de wilest sinner can return," interrupted Aun' Sheba, nodding her head repeatedly. "I unerstan'. You means well, Elder." Old Tobe could hold in no longer, and began excitedly, "De question am weder de wile sinner's gwine ter return, or wants ter return, or's got any return in 'im.

But comfort and help, war-weal weaving, to Weder folk the Master gave, that, by might of one, over their enemy all prevailed, by single strength. In sooth 'tis told that highest God o'er human kind hath wielded ever! Thro' wan night striding, came the walker-in-shadow. Warriors slept whose hest was to guard the gabled hall, all save one.

When he left me and the Injins was as cruel almost as fader and moder, I dinks a good deal apouts dem; when I was a layin' by de fire and not knowin' weder dey wouldn't kill me, den I dinks apout dem again and prays hard; when I swallers de tobacco and feels as if I was dead, den I prays agin to Him and He makes me well and prings me owet all right; arter this I nefer forgets to prays to Him."

"You's de cap'n, and weder we 'gree to it or not, you mus hab your own way," continued Cyd. "Not at all. We'll have no captain here. We are not at sea, and we will all be equal. What we do will be for our own safety. I intend to keep my watch, and do my share of the work; so you needn't grumble, Cyd." "Possifus! Cyd neber grubble in his life."

I have told to you my story; cheer oop! If ze ladees have deceives you, she is not wort one snaps of ze fingers!" "But, she has not deceived me," I said. "Den why are you melancolique?" "Because, because " I hesitated: I was ashamed to say what made me despondent. "For ze reasons dat you don't knows weder she lofes you or not?" he asked. "Ah, ha! Den, why not ask her, my friends?

From the height of the hill no hostile words reached the guests as he rode to greet them; but "Welcome!" he called to that Weder clan as the sheen-mailed spoilers to ship marched on. Then on the strand, with steeds and treasure and armor their roomy and ring-dight ship was heavily laden: high its mast rose over Hrothgar's hoarded gems.

Oh, make me laugh to hear white gentleman mark great fight in him memory by what him eat de day de news come; so, Massa Captain Cringle, me no quite sure weder Massa Wagtail will fight or no."

THAT battle-toil bade he at burg to announce, at the fort on the cliff, where, full of sorrow, all the morning earls had sat, daring shieldsmen, in doubt of twain: would they wail as dead, or welcome home, their lord beloved? "Now the willing-giver to Weder folk in death-bed lies; the Lord of Geats on the slaughter-bed sleeps by the serpent's deed!

Gathered together, the Geatish men in the banquet-hall on bench assigned, sturdy-spirited, sat them down, hardy-hearted. A henchman attended, carried the carven cup in hand, served the clear mead. Oft minstrels sang blithe in Heorot. Heroes revelled, no dearth of warriors, Weder and Dane.

"De fish an' me 'ud bof be briled in dis yere sun 'fore we got home." "Bar, Unc., you wouldn't go to Heben 'less you was toted." "Ob cose not. Doan de Bible say de angels gwine ter tote us?" "Well, I s'pose dey is. Ef a body ony know'd weder it ud be up or down." "Dar now, Aun' Sheba, wot fei you talk so se'rus in Augst? Nex' winter we'se gwine ter hab a refreshin' from on high."