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There were six children born to her in all, but the five have been nearly lost sight of in the splendid success of the firstborn. I have used the word "Spartan" advisedly. Upon her children, the mother of Washington lavished no soft sentimentality. A woman who cooked, weaved, spun, washed, made the clothes, and looked after a big family in pioneer times had her work cut out for her.

And on weaved the line, until the people afoot, also even women, and some children could be seen trudging beside the wagons. Riding at a walk, the horsemen who led the procession as if picking out the trail approached slowly, while the camp waited. As brown as any Arabs and as bearded as the miners were the leading horsemen. "Howdy?" greeted one, with a nod. "How far to Sutter's?"

We paused before a slab of the same crimson stone as that the green dwarf had called the portal, and upon its polished surface weaved the same unnameable symbols. The Golden Girl pressed upon its side; it slipped softly back; a torrent of opalescence gushed out of the opening and as one in a dream I entered.

"I read about one that got hold of a piece of tape and weaved it in," said the scout who had volunteered the information. "Maybe that's tape." "Sure, she ought to work for the government, there's so much red tape about her," Roy observed. "It's the color of cinnamon taffy," Pee-wee said. "There you go on eats again," Roy retorted; "it's the color of pie." "What kind of pie?" Pee-wee asked.

The murmur of many voices, punctuated by shouts and hammering, floated across the smooth water, and from the shipping sounded frequent hails. Through the shipping weaved the California, with all her passengers peering excitedly; then "Boom!" spoke her signal gun, and not far from the water-front, where a clear place had been left, she dropped anchor.

A further step in this line brought Edison to the "aerophone," around which the Figaro weaved its fanciful description. In the construction of the aerophone the same kind of tympanum is used as in the phonograph, but the imitation of the human voice, or the transmission of sound, is effected by the quick opening and closing of valves placed within a steam-whistle or an organ-pipe.

It was called de weavin' room place where dey weaved cotton and yarn. My bed was like a little cradle bed and dey push it under de big bed at day time. My grandfather died so my mother told me, when he was very old. My grandmother died when se bout 96. She went blind fore she died. Dey were all slaves. My father was owned by John Butler and my grandmother was owned by Tommy Humphries.

Oh, hear her; do not condemn her to wretchedness. Let me not suffer more. You have sought temptation; oh, fly from it; seek the companionship of those who will lead you to honour, not to vice. Break from those connections you have weaved around you. Turn again to the God you have deserted. Oh, do not live as you have done; think on the responsibility each year increases.

When Smith told him that by the year 2000 the smaller, family farms of America were largely a thing of the past, he thought it a greater tragedy than almost any he had heard of. And unknowingly, as Smith continued to tell him of his own childhood on the Indiana farm, of his family's hardships and eventual ruin, Kalus weaved the themes of the story in and out of his own.

Imagine places where the path was overgrown, and we must thrust our way through bushes where great bloated spiders weaved their webs, where clammy night things touched us as we passed, where unfamiliar and venomous insects clung to our garments.