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I'd as lief hire somebody to chew my vittles for me and give me the dry cud to live off of, as do the way those kind of folks do." The distant call of a steam-whistle, silvered by the great distance into a flute-like note, interrupted her. "That's the milk-train, whistling for the Millbrook cross in'," she said. "We must be thinkin' of goin' home before long. Where be those young ones?"

It rang in those of the pirates, who had been sent ashore to hide, like the scream of a steam-whistle, in consequence of their being close at hand, and it sounded like a faint cry in those of Henry Stuart and the missionary, who, with their party, were a long way off, slowly tracing the footsteps of the lost Alice, to which they had been guided by the keen scent of that animated scrap of door-mat, Toozle.

Imagine the Morse alphabet applied to a steam-whistle, which is often heard five miles. It needs only long and short again. "Stop Comet," for instance, when you send it down the railroad line, by the wire, is expressed thus: ... .. .... .. . .. . Very good message, if Comet happens to be at the telegraph station when it comes! But what if Comet has gone by?

"What is that, sir?" said Bob again "I don't understand you." "It's the siren," explained the other, "a thing like the steam-whistle, for signalling to passing ships." "It makes an awful row," cried Bob. "Don't you think so, sir?" "It does," said the lieutenant laughing. "A great row!" "Why do they call it a siren, though?" inquired the insatiable Bob.

Hark! there is a new sound breaking the stillness of midnight, and startling the mountain echoes from their sleep of ages! It is the scream of the steam-whistle, the snort of the iron horse, the thunder of his hoofs of steel, rushing forward with the speed of the wind, shaking the ground like an earthquake as he moves.

"Keep on!" shouted Compton, fiercely. The levers clanked furiously, and Venning, who had suspended his sculling under the menace of the shot, tugged again at his work. The steam-whistle of the launch sounded a series of sharp, jerky calls, followed by the firing of a Mauser bullet.

At this moment the steam-whistle of the iron-works farther up the river boomed out across the plain. The bells of the city churches broke out into a clanging unanimity as to the time of day, and all the workers stirred reluctantly. The dinner-hour was over. Kosmaroff rose to his feet and stretched himself a long, lithe, wiry figure. "Come," he said. "We must go back to work."

Whilst Worsley and Crean were digging a hole for the lamp and starting the cooker I climbed a ridge above us, cutting steps with the adze, in order to secure an extended view of the country below. At 6.30 a.m. I thought I heard the sound of a steam-whistle. I dared not be certain, but I knew that the men at the whaling-station would be called from their beds about that time.

Charnock strolled off with his usual languid air, and Festing resumed his work. He could not imagine what Charnock wanted, but wished he had stopped away. In the meantime, he had much to do and drove his men hard, until a steam-whistle hooted and they threw down their tools.

Yewell brought the papers with him, and called out, as he gave them to the officer of the deck, that Greely's party were at Cape Sabine, all well. The excitement of the moment was intense, and it spread with the rapidity of lightning through both the ships. It was decided instantly to go on to the Cape, and a general recall was sounded by three long blasts from the steam-whistle of the "Thetis."