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The canoe-man's grin faded away, and his eyes rolled as Muata ordered him to sit. He seemed to be a river tribesman, with only a loin-cloth on. "Don't eat him, chief," sang out Compton; for Muata had a very ugly look on his face as he eyed the stranger. The man himself seemed to think there was cause for this plea on his behalf, for, to the amazement of all, he responded in broken English

Wonderful!" muttered Compton, sarcastically; but, nevertheless, he listened with open mouth and staring eyes. "What do they say, chief?" "The young ones ask for room; they shove and push to reach up into the air, to feel the touch of the rain, to enjoy the warmth of the sun." "And the big trees?"

"Protector." Mr. Compton again eyed the messenger, and this time fully realizing the gladiatorial development of that dark stranger's physical form, he grew many shades paler, and involuntarily retreated towards the bell-pull. After a short pause, he said, "I am requested to call on the writer. If I do so, may I understand that the interview will be strictly private?"

Compton nailed him, but the commission took time; and while it was pending, Mr. Heathfield went to another judge with another disabled witness: Peggy Black. That naive personage was nursing her deceased sister's children in an affidavit: and they had scarlatina surgeon's certificate to that effect. Compton opposed, and pointed out the blot.

Possibly the fact that this mine alone had not been pressed upon him for purchase, predisposed Mr. Compton to regard it with favor. Every facility was offered him, and Jack Holden, who thoroughly understood his business, gave him the necessary explanations. After an hour spent in the examination, Mr. Compton came to business. "Is the mine for sale?" he asked. "Yes, sir." "What is your price?"

As I have told you, Samuel, old Lord Compton, was very cruel to my mother in her widowhood, and I hotly determined never to have anything to do with him. Then his son and his grandson died within a few weeks of each other, and Mr. Clay, who is the family lawyer, wrote to me telling me that I was the next heir, and Cousin Samuel wanted me to go home and take up the duties of my new position.

To-night I am dining with Randall at a little restaurant in Old Compton Street, and well, I want you to come too, Wigan." "But " "Oh, I can make it all right. I shall send him a note, asking if I can bring a friend who is much interested in these matters." "But I am not, and directly I open my mouth I shall show my ignorance." "Then obviously you must keep your mouth shut," said Quarles.

Secretary Morris, to whom Sir H. Bennet would give the upper hand; Sir Wm. Compton, Sir G. Carteret, and myself, and some other company, and a brave dinner. After dinner, Sir H. Bennet did call aside the Lord Mayor and me, and did break the business to him, who did not, nor durst appear the least averse to it, but did promise all assistance forthwith to set upon it. So Mr.

On the 25th of November the Princess Anne had declared against her unfortunate father, by absconding at night by a back staircase from her lodgings in the Cockpit, as the northwestern angle of the palace was called, which looked on St. James's Park. Compton, Bishop of London, was waiting for her with a hackney coach, and she fled to his house in Aldersgate Street.

It was Miles that she got on with best. He had never so fully realized the unhappiness of his brother's married life as those who had watched it; and he simply viewed her as Raymond's loved and loving widow and sincere mourner, and treated her with all brotherly tenderness and reverence for her grief; while she responded with a cordiality and gratitude which made her, when talking to him, a pleasanter person than she had ever been seen at Compton before.