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London, J. Dodsley, 1792, 3 vols. 4to. Vol. II. pp. 324-336, in the present edition. See the history of the melancholy catastrophe of the Duke of Buckingham. Temp. Hen. At si non aliam venturo fata Neroni, etc. Sir George Savile's act, called The Nullum Tempus Act. "Templum in modum arcis." TACITUS, of the temple of Jerusalem.

The expression of feeling may be exaggerated, and little consistent with the flattery with which the poem opens; yet even this flattery, when carefully read, seems fuller of satire than of praise: "Quod si non aliam venturo fata Neroni Invenere viam, magnoque aeterna parantur Regna deis, caelumque suo servire Tonanti Non nisi saevorum potuit post bella Gigantum; Iam nihil O superi querimur!

While I was weighing these matters in my mind, Lomellino suddenly exclaimed, 'Let the prisoner be taken down first; and have a care, Venturo, that the bandage is well fastened. 'All right, captain, was the reply; and thus I ascertained that Lomellino was the chief of some band most probably, I thought, of robbers; for I remembered the allusions which had been made that evening by Antonio to a certain predatory visit some months previously to the Riverola mansion.

"I was about to inform your lordship," continued the valet, "that Venturo, of whom I have spoken, happened the next day to overhear the marquis inform the countess that he should be compelled to stay for that purpose in Florence; whereupon Flora Francatelli offered her ladyship a home at her aunt's residence, whither she herself should return on her liberation from the stronghold.

'Well, Venturo, said Antonio, after a short pause, 'have you examined the packet which was intrusted to you? 'I have, and the contents are written in Greek or Arabic, or some such outlandish tongue, for I could not read a word of them, answered Venturo; 'and so I thought the best plan was to destroy them. 'You acted wisely, observed Antonio; 'by the saints! it was a good thought of mine to introduce you to my mother's lodger as a trustworthy messenger!

"Of that, my lord, there is little doubt," returned the young Greek; "and I must confess that I shuddered more than once while listening to the discourse of the cold-blooded monsters. But Venturo and Antonio still remained behind for a few minutes, and the discourse which took place between them, gave me a still further insight into the characters of the gang.

Then it was that the maiden mentioned to the countess the name of her family, and when Venturo represented all these facts to me just now, I at once knew who this same Flora Francatelli is and where she dwells." "You know where she dwells!" cried the count, joyfully. "Then, Giulia, the false, the faithless, the perjured Giulia is in my power!

I should have immediately passed on my way, but was induced to stop by hearing a voice which I recognized to be that of Venturo, whom I believed to be already some miles away from Florence. I was perfectly astounded at this discovery, and if I had entertained any doubts as to the identity of that voice, they were speedily cleared up by the conversation between the men.

"And in the task of punishing Antonio, lady," said Demetrius, "shall I be right glad to aid for did not the villain deceive me infamously in respect to the dispatches which I sought to forward to Constantinople when last I was at Florence? and, not contented with that vile treachery, even plotted with his accomplice Venturo against my life."

La musica mi piace; se piace al replico non so, perche alle prime prove non e lecito l' andarci che alle personne che sono del Teatro. Io spero che domani il mio padre potra uscir di casa. Sta sera fa cativissimo tempo. La Signora Teyber e adesso a Bologna e il carnevale venturo recitera a Turino e l'anno sussiquente poi va a cantare a Napoli.