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When this greedy money-lender finds herself the creditor, she stirs and works on the hearts of all the old men she knows in favor of the mortgaged creature in thin boots and a fine bonnet. In this way Madame du Val-Noble, unable to foresee the downfall of one of the richest and cleverest of stockbrokers, was left quite unprepared.

I have given him to you, and you have lost him advertise for him. Make haste; you will have your fifty thousand francs this evening." She spoke so calmly, so entirely with the cold indifference of a courtesan, that Madame du Val-Noble exclaimed: "You are the Queen of us all!" "Come early, and look very well " At five o'clock Esther dressed herself as a bride.

"Well, my dear child," said Esther to Madame du Val-Noble, "come and see me. Nucingen owes it to himself not to leave his stockbroker's mistress without a sou " "All the more so because it is said that he ruined Falleix," remarked Theodore Gaillard, "and that we have every right to squeeze him." "He dines with me to-morrow," said Esther; "come and meet him."

The garden, about half an acre in size, is margined by the Brillante, so named from the particles of mica which sparkle in its bed elsewhere than in the Val-Noble, where its shallow waters are stained by the dyehouses, and loaded with refuse from the other industries of the town.

The portrait of the Princess Goritza was alone worth that sum. Two years later, a young dandy, who was making a collection of the fine snuff-boxes of the last century, obtained from Madame du Val-Noble the chevalier's treasure. The charming confidant of many a love and the pleasure of an old age is now on exhibition in a species of private museum.

But, indeed, Madame du Val-Noble was only relatively impoverished. This woman's wardrobe, so extravagant and elegant, was still sufficiently well furnished to allow of her appearing on occasion as on that evening at the Porte-Saint-Martin to see Richard Darlington in much splendor.

As for you, my little Frederic," she added in the Baron's ear, "you have your carriage here just drive to the Rue Saint-Georges and bring Europe to me here; I have a few words to say to her about the supper. I have caught Lucien; he will bring two men who will be fun. We will draw the Englishman," she whispered to Madame du Val-Noble. Peyrade and the Baron left the women together.

She had known Coralie and La Torpille in their lifetimes, and now knew Tullia, Euphrasie, Aquilina, Madame du Val-Noble, Mariette, those women who pass through Paris like gossamer through the atmosphere, without our knowing where they go nor whence they came; to-day queens, to-morrow slaves.

These ices had been ordered by Madame du Val-Noble of Tortoni, whose shop is at the corner of the Rue Taitbout and the Boulevard. The cook called Contenson out of the room to pay the bill. Contenson, who thought this demand on the part of the shop-boy rather strange, went downstairs and startled him by saying: "Then you have not come from Tortoni's?" and then went straight upstairs again.

"My Lucien," said she in a deliciously coaxing voice, "why be worried about it? You can make a better match by and by I will get you the price of two estates " "Give us supper to-night that I may be able to speak in secret to Carlos, and, above all, invite the sham Englishman and Val-Noble. That nabob is my ruin; he is our enemy; we will get hold of him, and we "