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"Jist as the clock o' the castel chappit the deid o' the nicht, the clamour o' v'ices was hard throu' the thunner an' the win, an' the warder luikin' doon frae the heich bartizan o' the muckle tooer, saw i' the fire flauchts, a company o' riders appro'chin' the castel, a' upo' gran' horses, he said, that sprang this gait an' that, an shot fire frae their een.

"Now you can claw me!" exclaimed Stentor with an injured air, nodding to his gun, seeing his companion had already hurried off, "you can grab and duck me if this don't beat all! you can burn an' blister me if ever I met a deaf cove as was so ongrateful as this 'ere deaf cove, me 'avin' used this yer v'ice o' mine for 'is be'oof an' likewise benefit; v'ices like mine is a gift as was bestowed for deaf 'uns like 'im; I've met deaf 'uns afore, yes, but such a ongrateful deaf 'un as 'im, no.

It's more like one o' the camps o' them slack-twisted Kaintucky and Tennessee rijimints." "If Oi didn't belave that Si Klegg and Sharty was did intoirely, and up home in Injianny, Oi'd be sure that was their v'ices," said a voice from the thicket by the side of the road.

The stranger was robed in some kin' o' a plaid, like the gude man himsel', but whether a lowlan' or a hielan' plaid, he cudna tell. But the face o' the man that was ane no to be forgotten an' that for the verra freenliness o' 't! An' whan he spak, it was as gien a' the v'ices o' them 'at had gane afore, war made up intil ane, for the sweetness an' the pooer o' the same.