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He had cleaned up some good boys, while I had only gotten a rep about as big as a nickel with a hole in it. I guess I looked pie to him. He turkey-trotted up to me for the first round and stopped in front of me as if he was wondering what had blown in and whether the Gerry Society would stand for his hitting it. I could see him thinking 'This is too easy' as plain as if he'd said it.

So, at the corner of Maple and Silver, Tess pulled the rein which should have turned Ben into the shady street which led to Raymond's domicile. Ben moved his head impatiently, and turkey-trotted straight ahead. Tess pulled the rein more vigorously; Ben twitched his head still more like a swear word and, with a more pronounced shrug of his haunch, went undivertingly onward.

And what, oh what would the interesting-looking Stranger think? Oh, what a contretemps! If she could have heard what the Stranger actually did say, she would still have been "covered with confusion" though of a more pleasurable kind. He and Raymond were become familiar acquaintances by this time. "What's the matter with 'em?" he had inquired as the steed Ben turkey-trotted away.

From within an orchestra struck up a popular rag-time air, and those nearest the banquet-hall moved toward it. A girl whom Lorelei recognized as a fellow-member of the Revue danced up to her escort with arms extended, and the two turkey-trotted into the larger room.

And this was the man who, eighteen short months before, had turkey-trotted upon the sidewalk in front of a gay resort, and had "pulled it too raw even for Broadway!" The flood-gates of her soul opened, as is the way of women in all the world.

You're certainly one Mellin's Food baby. I'm for you strong." One of Steve's eyes was closing rapidly, but the other had not lost its twinkle. "Does a fellow's system good to assimilate a tanning oncet in a while sort o' corrects any mistaken notions he's liable to collect. Gentlemen, hush! Ain't Harrison the boss eat-em-alive white hope that ever turkey-trotted down the pike?"