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THE WILLOW. No trees in this country are of more use than the species of this genus: many are grown for basket-makers in form of osiers, and other larger sorts serve for stakes, rails, hop-poles, and many other useful purposes. The bark of several species has been considered as useful for tanning leather. The charcoal of the Willow is also much in demand for making gunpowder. SALIX viminalis.

The liver of the Calf was boiled for an hour and then mashed up with the raw brains into a tanning "dope" or mash and spread on the flesh side of the hide, which was doubled, rolled up and put in a cool place for two days. It was then opened out, washed clean in the brook and hung till nearly dry.

You're certainly one Mellin's Food baby. I'm for you strong." One of Steve's eyes was closing rapidly, but the other had not lost its twinkle. "Does a fellow's system good to assimilate a tanning oncet in a while sort o' corrects any mistaken notions he's liable to collect. Gentlemen, hush! Ain't Harrison the boss eat-em-alive white hope that ever turkey-trotted down the pike?"

The common green wattle of the genus of Acacia is found plentifully on the alluvial flats of the Swan, and the bark is much used for tanning; and the gum-wattle of the same order produces so great a quantity of gum as to demand the attention of exporters.

Brithwood, I have the honour of bearing a message to you from your cousin Miss Ursula March." "She's nothing to me I never wish to see her face again, the the vixen!" "You will be kind enough, if you please, to avoid all such epithets; at least, in my hearing." "Your hearing! And pray who are you, sir?" "You know quite well who I am." "Oh, yes! And how goes the tanning?

What have you to do with the beating of skins and the tanning of leather? 'My father would have you go forth as a knight-errant, Micah, said Reuben, laughing. 'You might chance to get your own skin beaten and your own leather tanned. 'Who ever knew so long a tongue in so short a body? cried the innkeeper.

In truth, the whole party had received a notable tanning, for the winter's sun, weak as it is compared with its summer fervor, has never such an effect upon the exposed skin, as when its rays are reflected from the millions of tiny specula of the glistening ice-field.

Full directions for curing and tanning the skins will be found under its proper head in a later portion of this work. This animal also called the marmot, is so well-known to most of our readers, that a detailed description will not be necessary, suffice it to say that the general color is brownish grey above, changing to reddish brown on the under parts.

From under his drooping lids he saw the warriors coming in from the hunt or the chase, the women tanning skins or curing game, and the little Indian boys practicing with bows and arrows. He felt a sort of sympathy for them in this wild life, a life that he knew so well and that he had lived himself.

Both were clad in store clothes of fair quality, wearing hats of the black prairie type, and only the extreme tanning of their somewhat genial faces belied the city theory. Minky noted all these things while he served them the drinks they called for, and, in the most approvedly casual manner, put the usual question to them.