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One day Harkins was visiting his still-house, and he noticed something dubious. Thrusting his arm down through the peach pomace, he found mash underneath. It is a penitentiary offense to mix the two. Harkins procured more evidence from Jenk's distiller, and hauled the offender before me. The trial was conducted in a hotel room, full of people.

Take six quinces, pare them, cut them in quarters, and stew them, in a little water with lemon peel; cover them and let them cook gently till soft, when mash, or rub them through a sieve; mix them with sugar till very sweet, season with mace and nutmeg; beat up four eggs and stir in with a pint of cream; bake it in paste. Potato Pudding.

"Most everything, madam," Joe managed to say. Luckily she departed before we lost control of ourselves. Joe says that he has been asked every question in the category, and then some. I think some of our stage idols and movie stars would be jealous if they could see the number of mash notes Joe receives. He is flattered and sought after and pursued by society ladies galore.

Cover them, and let them stand an hour or two. Then mash them through a sieve till you have pressed out all the juice, and stir into it half a pound more of powdered sugar, or enough to make it very sweet, and like a thick syrup. Then mix it by degrees with two quarts of rich cream, beating it in very hard. Put it into a freezer, and proceed as in the foregoing receipt.

NORTHUMBERLAND PUDDING. Make a hasty pudding with a pint of milk and flour, put it into a bason, and let it stand till the next day. Then mash it with a spoon, add a quarter of a pound of clarified butter, as many currants picked and washed, two ounces of candied peel cut small, and a little sugar and brandy. Bake it in teacups, turn them out on a dish, and pour wine sauce over them.

"The children like to see the big red mouth open wide. And here's something else he does." After the hippo, which is a short name for hippopotamus, had swallowed the pail full of bran mash, the keeper took up a loaf of bread from a box which seemed to have enough loaves in it for a small bakery, and cried: "Open again, old fellow!"

Boil 1 pint of raspberries and 1 pint of red currants in 2 cups of water until soft; add 3 cups of sugar, some cinnamon, 1 cup of pounded almonds and 1 tablespoonful of chopped citron. Let cook and mash until smooth; then thicken with a little cornstarch. Remove from the fire and pour into a mold. When cold, serve with whipped cream. Spanish Puffs.

The old-fashioned wet mash which the writer does not recommend because of the labor involved, is, nevertheless, a fairly profitable method of poultry feeding. It is used in the Little Compton district of Rhode Island and was also used in the famous Australian egg laying contests elsewhere described.

Tain't no hurt ter do it dat er way, only it handles better ter let it hang on de sticks a while an' git sorter wilted don't break de leaves off ner mash 'em up so much loadin' an" unloadin', yer know," answered Nimbus. "How much have you got here?" asked the sheriff, casting his eye over the field; "forty thousand?"

It is the unity, not of a continuous mass or mash, but of carefully calculated proportion, order, interrelation of parts the unity of a fine piece of architecture, or even of a living organism. The inorganic continuity of Getting Married it does not possess. If that be what we understand by unity, then Shaw has it and Sophocles has not.