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She commenced stirring again, with two little wrinkles between her brows. "A ha'f a pound o' citron; a ha'f a pound o' candied peel; two pounds o' cur'nts; two pounds o' raisins git 'em stunned, Orville; a pound o' sooet make 'em give you some that ain't all strings!

But night after night she sang from the heights above, and the burden of her song was ever the same, of one who waited and of one who came. Bit by bit she wore down the man's resistance, then drew him up through the groves of citron and pomegrante, into the grape fields; time and again he fled. Closer and closer she lured him, until one day he touched her flesh woman's flesh and forgot all else.

In the stress of their work the poor child's hour for retiring was often overlooked. "Go to bed, Franky. Go off, this minute. Mama, send Franky to bed." "Oh, go at once to bed, my darling boy." Franky, crying that he wanted to sit by Deleah and see her cut the citron peel, was removed: "I hate Bessie," he announced at the door.

Cut small half a pound of homemade citron drained from syrup, wash and seed one pound raisins, pick, wash and dry one pound currants, mince a teacup of any firm preserve quince, peach or pear, or use a cupful of preserved cherries whole.

And from these hills the city between showed no less attractive, with its groves of citron, orange, and pomegranate trees, its leaping fountains, its airy minarets, its mingled aspect of crowded dwellings and verdant gardens.

The duke continued to call the prince Monseigneur, to which His Royal Highness objected, declaring that he wished all formality to be laid aside respecting his birth and title. "Is that so?" cried the duke gayly. "Then, Citron, pass me the cheese." And the nickname has survived the duke who gave it and the government under which it was given.

"Buy the bread and butter, and the meat, and the poultry, and the tea, and the sugar, and the citron, and raisins, and allspice, and nutmegs, and currants, and flour, and brick-bat, and hearthstone, and and " Dr. Maybright put his fingers to his ears. "Spare me any more," said he, "I never ask for items. There are in this house, Polly, nine children, myself, and four servants.

She had a momentary, purely feminine shrinking from his emaciated shaking frame, the burning eyes in a face dead like a citron; then her placidity returned, the assurance that it was all ordained, that his gestures, the pumping of his diseased heart, had no more individual significance than the movements of a mechanical figure operated by strings, here the strings of supreme Fate.

Two large oranges. Half a pound of citron, cut in slips. Parboil a beef's heart, or a fresh tongue. After you have taken off the skin and fat, weigh a pound and a half. When it is cold, chop it very fine. Take the inside of the suet; weigh two pounds, and chop it as fine as possible. Mix the meat and suet together, adding the salt.

Yolks of one dozen eggs, one pound dried currants, one pound seeded raisins, one pound butter, one-half pound citron, one pound brown sugar, one cup sorghum molasses, one pound blanched almonds, one-half pound Brazil nuts, one-half cup sour milk, two teaspoonfuls soda, six cups flour, with cinnamon, allspice and cloves.