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Some old people might succeed in dipping their fingers in the water, now the color of slime, where the population of a whole town, with transients besides, had washed.

The place was quiet and respectable; even in its downfall it clung desperately to its traditions. It took no transients, required a certain standard of conduct in its lodgers, and still maintained a night clerk in the office of its musty front hall. Pancha thought it quite regal.

I thought you would like to know." "Embarrassment? Humph! a man?" "No, a woman; a lady, sir; one of the transients. I found out in a jiffy all they could tell me about her." "A woman! We didn't expect that. Where is she? Still in the lobby?" "No, sir. She took the elevator while I was talking with the clerk." "There's nothing in it. You mistook her expression." "I don't think so.

They were not rich or they would not be there and they were hardly well born, since they were not born in the South. Of course they sympathized with Miss Oleander in wanting to rent her rooms and the fact that a much higher board was charged transients than permanents made transients somewhat desirable if too long intervals did not elapse between their goings and comings.

"Now, mother, you know we're doing well. Look here!" And Diantha produced her note-book. "Here's the little laundry place; its fittings come to so much, wages so much, collection and delivery so much, supplies so much and already enough patronage engaged to cover. It will be bigger in winter, a lot, with transients, and this hotel to fall back on; ought to clear at least a thousand a year.

It'll cost you five dollars for your supper and breakfast and five dollars more for your bed that's my regular price to transients." "No, you don't!" exclaimed the hobo, but as Bunker looked up he drew back a step and waited. "That's ten dollars in all," continued Hill, extracting two bills from the purse, "and next time you bum your breakfast I'd advise you to thank the cook."

In the other drawers Mrs. Bucknor had put away sundry articles which she had forgotten about remnants of cloth, old ribbons and laces and photographs. The hall room was used only when there was an overflow of guests and only transient visitors put there. For transients one drawer was sufficient.

That on the south side was built on piles' people ate and drank there in the summer; beneath it the water swished and gurgled when the tide was in. The townspeople of Fairport, or the more respectable ones, kept away from Morris's, summer and winter. Summer transients, inhabitants of the bungalows during the bathing season, patronized the place.

Most of the boarders were permanent ones and while it was a rule of the house to resent transients, they were secretly welcome because of the added zest they gave to the humdrum of everyday life.

"Yes, and a very respectable one. Transients, of course, but very well known in Denver. The lady is not the mother of the boys, but their aunt. The boys belong to the gentleman, who is a widower." "Their word ought to be good." George nodded. "The boys look wide-awake enough if the father does not. As for the aunt, she is sweetness itself.