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He would quickly return without his everyday coat, only in his blouse with the skirts outside, belted with a thin cord; or, in winter, without his overcoat, in the thinnest of small suits; or instead of the new, just purchased uniform cap in a tiny jockey cap, holding by a miracle on the crown of his head. Everybody loved him: comrades, servants, women, children. And all were familiar with him.

How few there are who recognise in the everyday papaw one of the most estimable gifts of kindly Nature? Some who dwell in temperate climes claim for the apple and the onion superlative qualities. In the papaw the excellences of both are blended and combined. The onion may induce to slumber, but the sleep it produces is it not a trifle too balmy?

"Father," said Herbert, in a cheerful everyday voice, as though he had nothing special to communicate, "there is a man in a gig out there. He says he wants to see you." "A man in a gig!" and Herbert could see that his father had already begun to tremble. But every sound made him tremble now. "Yes; a man in a gig. What is it he says his name is? I have his card here. A young man."

She realized, of course, that there were no love-potions nowadays; that they existed only in the Middle Ages; and that the silver flasket contained everyday ice-cream soda. And she wasn't sure she knew exactly what the word "symbol" meant, but she felt that somehow the ice-cream soda, shared between them, was symbolic of that famous, fateful drink.

He had read Marryatt's novels and other sailor tales what boy has not? and he was fired with the usual childish desire to embark upon that wonderful life of chasing buccaneers, fighting pirates, capturing prizes, or hunting hidden treasure, which is a lad's brilliantly coloured fancy picture of an everyday sailor's wet, cold, cheerless occupation.

There are few passages in Holy Writ more frequently brought to remembrance by the incidents of everyday life than this "Ye know not what a day or an hour may bring forth."

Among these classes the women have to work hard, and it avails them little in the way of a pretense of leisure to so crucify the flesh in everyday life. The holiday use of the contrivance is due to imitation of a higher-class canon of decency.

Such a subject suited the temperament of Giorgione, and he painted it in the romantic mood in which it was conceived. Nothing could be further from everyday life than this little scene. It has the unlaboured look that suits such an improvised subject. Of course no one knows for certain that this is a picture of the Golden Age, and you may make up any story you like about it for yourselves.

'Why, it's a new double buggy! Then she rushed at me and hugged my head. 'Why didn't you tell me, Joe? You poor old boy! and I've been nagging at you all day! and she hugged me again. James got down and started taking the horses out as if it was an everyday occurrence. I saw the double-barrel gun sticking out from under the seat.

Herbert Spencer, in his autobiography, alludes to the impressive fact that while the eye is reading a single line of type, the earth has travelled thirty miles through space. But this, in telephony, would be slow travelling. It is simple everyday truth to say that while your eye is reading this dash, , a telephone sound can be carried from New York to Chicago.