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Cum meminissem, amice optime, quanta, cum vnam ageremus, delectatione afficerere in legendis Geographicis scriptis Homeri, Strabonis, Aristotelis, Plinij, Dionis et reliquorum, laetatus sum eo quod incidissem in hunc nuncium, qui tibi has literas tradit, quem tibi commendatum esse valde cupio, quique dudum Arusburgi hic ad Ossellam fluuium appulit.

Segniús irritant animos demissa per aurem Quam quæ sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus, et quæ Ipsi sibi tradit spectator.” De Ar. Poe., 180.

What the devil! Man is not a solitary animal Cui Deus foeminam tradit. Make me king's pantler make me abbot of St. Denis; make me bailly of the Patatrac; and then I shall be changed indeed. But as long as you leave me the poor scholar Francis Villon, without a farthing, why, of course, I remain the same." "The grace of God is all-powerful." "I should be a heretic to question it," said Francis.

What the devil! Man is not a solitary animal Cui Deus foeminam tradit. Make me king's pantler make me abbot of St. Denis; make me bailly of the Patatrac; and then I shall be changed indeed. But as long as you leave me the poor scholar Francis Villon, without a farthing, why, of course, I remain the same." "The grace of God is all-powerful." "I should be a heretic to question it," said Francis.

"Praecipua enim difficultas hic est, quam attingit Div. Nam Divus Augustinus libro quinto Genes, ad liter. cap. 4 et 5 et libro 8, cap. 3, posteriorem partem tradit, dicens, terram in hoc die accepisse virtutem germinandi omnia vegetabilia quasi concepto omnium illorum semine, non tamen statim vegetabilia omnia produxisse. Quod primo suadet verbis illis capitis secundi.

Iam vero quicquid ultra Nigrum flumen est et Agyptum, versus utrumque mare Atlanticum Rubrumque, Athiopes tenuerunt, gens omnium Africae terrae amplissima, extra Africam a vetustissimis Geographorum posita. Divisa fuit Athiopia in varia Athiopum genera; quorum Ptolemaeus innumera tradit nomina.

Haec in commune de omnium Germanorum origine ac moribus accepimus: nunc singularum gentium instituta ritusque, quatenus differant, quae nationes e Germania in Gallias commigraverint, expediam. XXVIII. Validiores olim Gallorum res fuisse, summus auctorum divus Julius tradit: eoque credibile est etiam Gallos in Germaniam transgressos.

What the devil! Man is not a solitary animal cui Deus foeminam tradit. Make me king's pantler, make me Abbot of St. Denis, make me bailie of the Patatrac, and then I shall be changed indeed. But as long as you leave me the poor scholar Francis Villon, without a farthing, why, of course, I remain the same." "The grace of God is all powerful." "I should be a heretic to question it," said Francis.

Though T. commends so highly the authority of Caesar as a writer, yet he differs from him in not a few matters of fact, as well as opinion; owing chiefly, doubtless, to the increased means of information which he possessed in the age of Trajan. Divus Julius. Divus==deified, divine; an epithet applied to the Roman Emperors after their decease. Tradit. Cf. Caes.

Aut agitur res in Scenis aut acta refertur: Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem; Quam quae sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus, et quae Ipse sibi tradit spectator. By which, he directly declares his judgement, "That every thing makes more impression Presented, than Related." Nor, indeed, can any one rationally assert the contrary.