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Well, who will may laugh again now: we are out in the sunshine, with the church-yard grass bowing and swaying in the wind, and the little cloud-shadows flying across the half-effaced names of the forgotten dead, who lie under their lichen-grown tombs. "Did you see his teeth?" asks Tou Tou, joining me with a leap, almost before I am outside the church-porch.

This facade, one of the most finished things in Tou- raine, consists of two stories, surmounted by an attic which, as so often in the buildings of the French Renaissance, is the richest part of the house. The high-pitched roof contains three windows of beautiful design, covered with embroidered caps and flowering into crocketed spires.

"I do nothing of the kind!" cry I, indignantly, "I have not the chance! he will not take me!" I am not looking at him, nor, indeed, in his direction at all; but I am aware that Bobby is giving Tou Tou a private and severe nudge, which means "Attend! here is confirmation of my theory for you!" and that the idea of the hypothetical black lady is again traversing his ingenuous mind.

I speak never a word; but I rise up hastily, and, letting my novel fall heavily prone on the pit of its stomach at the punt-bottom, I take a flying leap to shore toward shore, I should rather say for I am never a good jumper Tou Tou's lean spider-legs can always outstride me and now I fall an inch or two short, and draw one leg out booted with river-mud. But I pay no heed.

Tou', tou' pays blare! Danie qui commande ... And then Paris; and the university, with its wild under-life, some debts, some follies; and the frequent fond letters from home to which he might have replied so much oftener; Paris, where talent is mediocrity; Paris, with its thunders and its splendors and its seething of passion; Paris, supreme focus of human endeavor, with its madnesses of art, its frenzied striving to express the Inexpressible, its spasmodic strainings to clutch the Unattainable, its soarings of soul-fire to the heaven of the Impossible ...

"If I had come here seven years ago," he says, taking both my pale yellow hands in his light gray ones, and looking at me with eyes which seem darker and deeper than usual under the shade of the brim of his tall hat "by-the-by, you would have been a little girl then as little as Tou Tou " "Yes," interrupt I, breaking in hastily; "but, indeed, I never was a bit like her, never.

Do you think he would carry my letter to Carlisle? 'To Carloisle! 'Twould be all his life is worth; he maun wait on clap and hopper, as they say. Odd, his father would brain him if he went to Carloisle, bating to wrestling for the belt, or sic loike. But I ha' more bachelors than him; there is the schoolmaster, can write almaist as weel as tou canst, mon.

The rumor spread through the troop that he was a former member of the Convention, an old regicide. The mob had turned in through the Rue de la Verrerie. Little Gavroche marched in front with that deafening song which made of him a sort of trumpet. He sang: "Voici la lune qui paratt, Quand irons-nous dans la foret? Demandait Charlot a Charlotte. Tou tou tou Pour Chatou.

I have paid my bills, and there are no gaps among my people. Sometimes I tremble when I think how many we are; one of us must go soon. But, as yet, when I count us over, none lacks. Father, mother, Algy, Bobby, the Brat, Tou Tou.

"Of course not!" cry I, crossly, making a spiteful lunge, as I speak, at a startle-de-buz, which has lumbered booming into my face. "Who on earth supposed they would really?" Tou Tou collapses, with a hazy impression of having been snubbed, and there is a moment's silence.