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"You look pale," the sister said, "and your hand is hot and feverish. I will send you up some tisane. It is the heat, no doubt. I think that we are going to have thunder." In a few minutes a step was again heard approaching, and Jeanne entered with the medicament. As she closed the door the countess started into a sitting position. "What is it, Jeanne? What is it that you have to say to me?"

I should like sometimes a cup of tisane, but I can't get it; and Nana that child whom I have raised from the cradle disappears in the morning and never shows her face until night, when she sleeps right through and never once asks me how I am or if she can do anything for me. It will soon be over, and I really believe this clearstarcher would smother me herself if she were not afraid of the law!"

Before a sustaining arm could reach her, she fell heavily to the ground. When La Folle regained consciousness, she was at home again, in her own cabin and upon her own bed. The moon rays, streaming in through the open door and windows, gave what light was needed to the old black mammy who stood at the table concocting a tisane of fragrant herbs. It was very late.

"Bon jour! monseigneur," replied the musketeer; "how did you get through the journey?" "Tolerably well, thank you." "And the fever?" "But poorly. I drink, as you perceive. I am scarcely arrived, and I have already levied a contribution of tisane upon Nantes." "You should sleep first, monseigneur." "Eh! corbleu! my dear Monsieur d'Artagnan, I should be very glad to sleep." "Who hinders you?"

If my daughters would lay their hands there, I think I should get better. ... Mon Dieu! who will recover their money for them when I am gone?... I will manufacture vermicelli out in Odessa; I will go to Odessa for their sakes." "Here is something to drink," said Eugene, supporting the dying man on his left arm, while he held a cup of tisane to Goriot's lips.

Lying helpless on his bed, he had no desire for orgies at the Maison Doree; with parched lips thirsty for innocent tisane of lime-blossoms, the thought of absinthe was as odious to him as the liquid fire of Phlegethon.

"He’s still warm, but there’s no pulse," whispered the airman. "He’s dead enough, I guess, but I’d rather hear a surgeon say so." The gendarme rose, stepped across to the seat, took the reins gently from the girl. "Weep peacefully, little one," he said; "it does one good. Tears are the tisane which strengthens the soul."

Merthyr, you dear Englishman, you shall know everything. Do we not think a tisane a weak washy drink, when we are strong? But we learn, when we lie with our chins up, and our ten toes like stopped organ-pipes as Sandra says we learn then that it means fresh health and activity, and is better than rivers of your fiery wines. You love her, do you not?" The question came with great simplicity.

Lavretsky wrote a few words to Liza, telling her of his wife's arrival, and begging her to make an appointment for an interview. Then he flung himself on the narrow sofa, with his face to the wall. The old man also lay down on his bed, and there long tossed about, coughing and swallowing mouthfuls of his tisane. The morning came; they both arose strange were the looks they exchanged.

At this moment the child pressed forward, holding between her tow careful plump hands a red earthenware bowl, with the tisane steaming in it, and the yellow petals strewn over the surface.