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"So thet I kin fotch tidin's back home es ter how much we gits." When these reckonings had been made Brent inquired: "Do you understand the terms of this contract between your father and myself?" Her reply was guarded. "We've done talked hit over."

So now ah, this pain! there's another string of it I feel it go through me like an arrow so now you may go and see Lady Gourlay, and break the glad tidin's to her."

Quarles, "you'd never in the world guess whut Old Peep O'Day done with the first piece of money he got his hands on out of that there forty thousand pounds of silver dollars he's come into frum his uncle's estate." The old man slanted a keen glance in Mr. Quarles' direction. "Tell me, son," he asked softly, "how did you come to hear the glad tidin's so promptly?" "Me?" said Mr. Quarles innocently.

It wuz a lovely day when we sot out on our journey and we wuz all feelin' well, specially Josiah and I, for every revolution of the wheels brought us nigher to our beloved Jonesville and every toot of the engine seemed to shout afresh the joyful tidin's to us that we had sot our faces towards the bright hearth stun of home.

"Is thet so, Sim?" inquired Parish with a ready interest. "War hit a sore trouble?" "Hit couldn't skeercely be holped but he's been sulterin' in ther penitenshery down thar at Frankfort fer nigh on ter two y'ars now. Erbout once in a coon's age I fares me down thar ter fotch him tidin's of his folks. Hit pleasures him."

"An' Aun' Judy, dat ar piece ob pie ain't no 'count to nobuddy." "You kin hab it, chile," said Aunt Judy, rising, and taking from a shelf a large piece of cold apple pie, "an' bressed be de foots ob dem wot fotch good tidin's." Junius Keswick did not see Miss Roberta again that day, and early in the morning he borrowed one of the Midbranch horses, and rode away.

I allow you are the unknown?" Speed nodded, and Stover took occasion to remark: "Them's our inclinations, but we've about gone our limit." "I don't blame you none," said Gallagher, allowing his gaze to rove slowly from top to toe of the Eastern lad. "No, I cain't blame you none whatever. But I'm terrible grieved at them tidin's.

How them folks hundreds of milds away managed to let me know they wuz thinkin' of me on paper, or how I knew these friends wuz approachin' onbeknown to me, I don't know nor Josiah don't. "There wuzn't no U. S. stamp on these messages, nor earthly hands didn't bring the tidin's of these visitors.

But when misfortune descends on one of us, like a topmast in a typhoon, it's time to stop bickerin'. Me an' Bart, driftin' along the docks for a constitootional this mornin', bears the sorrerful tidin's that your new navigatin' officer an' your new engineer has quit. Judgin' from that shanty on your left eye, at least one of 'em quit under protest.

We're gonta get the yards and the roundhouse that's a cinch. I know it now. Demarest slipped it to me. I've spread the glad tidin's, o' course, but it didn't seem to help. Folks have believed it all along, and have gone ahead on that belief so the rush because of that feature was over before I sprung it. But Ragtown'll pick up in time.