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He planted about it hazel and chesnut trees, The I, the Thung, the Dze, and the varnish tree. Which, when cut down, might afford materials for lutes. He surveyed Khu and Thang , With the lofty hills and high elevations about. He descended and examined the mulberry trees. He then divined by the tortoise-shell, and got a favourable response ; And thus the issue has been truly good.

Kumta ki la ia ngúh ki la ia dem ia kita ki khynnah bad hadíen kata ka la jia ha ki dohnúd kiba khráw-batri, ki tymmen-ki-san ha ka ri Shillong ban thung Siem ia ki namar ki khynnah ki long kiba la wan kha da ka briew kaba phylla shibún, kaba imat eh ba ka long ka khún u Blei Shillong.

Guv ut time, said she, an' we would see. But old Tom Henan knew, an' he never held up hus head again. He could no abide the thung, an' would no brung humsel' tull touch ut, though I om no denyun' he was fair fascinated by ut.

Then, seating herself opposite him on the edge of the table, she glanced at the telegraph form lying before him. "Are you wiring for more news?" "Yes. I want an 'urgent, care of the Station-master, to catch me at Lahore to-morrow night, and another at Thung dak bungalow next day; unless . . . of course . . ." "Hush, hush. You must not think of that." He frowned, and was silent.

I had seen the aftermath of such Malay and Chinese feuds in our schools before, and I knew that it was no trivial matter, as it often is with boy fights at home, so I hurried up. "When I got there I saw Kin Thung wiping his knife, and the boy he had been fighting lying on the floor, bleeding from a long wound." "What had happened?" "Kin Thung was a quick-tempered boy.

"As I was dressing the boy's wound Kin Thung stood looking on, utterly expressionless and unrepentant, even sullen. "I didn't say anything to Kin that night, save to ask him to come to the office the next day.

Then came Missionary Worthington's story about Kin Thung, the boy who, with characteristic Oriental spirit, had quick murder in his heart: "It was while I was the head of the Boys' School down in Batavia, Java, that it happened. One has experiences out here in dealing with youth that he does not get at home, for it is inflammable material, explosive to the highest degree."

As elsewhere, there is a belief amongst the Khasis that some people's touch as regards agriculture is unlucky. Thung dieng ne bet symbai haba ngen bnai, ym haba shai u bnai. Plant trees or sow seeds not when the moon is waxing, but when it is on the wane. Wei la saw bha ka bneng sepngi jan miet phin sa ioh jingrang lashai.

Mony the time, I see hum watchun' of ut around a corner, lookun' ot ut tull hus eyes fair bulged wuth the horror; an' when ut brayed old Tom ud stuck hus fungers tull hus ears an' look thot miserable I could a-puttied hum. "An' bray ut could! Ut was the only thung ut could do besides eat an' grow. Whenever ut was hungry ut brayed, an' there was no stoppun' ut save wuth food.

After the plants have attained the height of about 6 in., they are earthed up. When the leaves turn yellow, it is a sign that the potatoes are ripe. The Khasis possess very few agricultural sayings and proverbs, but the following may be quoted as examples: Wat ju ai thung jingthung ne bet symbai ha uba sniew kti. Do not allow plants to be planted or seeds to be sown by one who has a bad hand.