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"Thin you may learn from what has happened, avick agus asthofe, never, oh never, to despair of God's mercy no matter into what thrial or difficulty you maybe brought. You see, whin you naither hoped for it here, nor expected it, how it came for all that." "It did, blessed be God!"

She consequently had but one principle to rely on that of single dependence upon God, and obedience to His sovereign will, however bitter the task might be, and so she told them. "It's a great thrial to us, children," she observed; "an' it's only natural we should feel it. I do not bid you to stop cryin', my poor girls, because it would be very strange if you didn't cry.

"Well, then," says his Riv'rence, "in considheration ov the needcessity," says he, "I'll let you off for this time! but mind now, afther I say præstho, the first ov us that spakes a word ov English is the hare præstho!" Neither ov them spoke for near a minit, considering wid themselves how they were to begin sich a great thrial ov shkill.

Whether you're able to guess at him or not, I don't know; but the thruth is, Rody, I've taken a likin' to you an' if you'll just stand the trial I'm goin' to put you to, I'll be a friend to you the best you ever had too." "Well, Charley," said the other, plucking up courage a little, for the fellow was a thorough coward, "what is the thrial?"

"I know it is but natural for you to feel deeply," continued her brother; "but as you have borne everything heretofore with so much firmness, you must not break down " "But you know it is a deadly thrial to be forever separated from sich a girl. Sufferin' so much as you say so worn! Her dark eye dim with oh, it is, it is a deadly thrial a heart breaking thrial!

"God strengthen you, my poor child," exclaimed the nurse, bursting into tears; "for what will become of you? Your father, Sarah dear, is to be hanged for murdher, an' it was your mother's evidence that hanged him. She swore against him on the thrial an' his sentence is passed. Bartle Sullivan wasn't murdhered at all, but another man was, an' it was your father that done it.

"Sure, blood alive," thought Darby, "now that every one's turnin', there's no harm to have a thrial at it myself; I can become as good a Prodestan as most o' them in four and twenty hours, and stand a chance of the Jaolership for my pains. I'll go to Mr. Lucre, who is a gentleman at any rate, and allow him to think he has the convartin' o' me.

That's all we can do now, God help us an' a hard thrial it is for when we think of what he was to us of his kindness his affection! Her own voice became infirm, and, instead of proceeding, she paused a moment, and then giving one long, convulsive sob, that rushed up from her very heart, she wept out long and bitterly.

"Martin," said he, "'twould be as well you ped attention to what we're sayin' in regard o' the thrial to-morrow, as to be palaverin' talk into the girl's ear that can't be good comin' from your lips. Quit it, I say, quit it! I won't allow such proceedins!"

"Yes, there is all's right, I've now made the thrial, and it will do I want to borrow the loan of your religion till the new praties comes in." "You shall have it, my worthy sir you shall have it, with very great pleasure."