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In the course of conversation I could not help asking him why, as he spoke German himself and the people in the inn also understood it in fact I am not sure but what it was their mother-tongue why he would not allow the language to be spoken? "We are Hungarians here," he replied, going off into testiness again, "and we do not want that cursed German spoken on all sides.

Now, the reason of this full bench was at once simple and absurd, and had caused merriment not unmixed with testiness in the magistrates' private room. Each Justice, counting on his neighbour's delinquency, had separately resolved to pay a sacrifice to public duty, and to drop in to dispose of the business of Sessions before proceeding to the Show.

The indigestion seemed betokened in an occasional nervous testiness and grinning irritability, causing the teeth to audibly grind together over mistakes committed in copying; unnecessary maledictions, hissed, rather than spoken, in the heat of business; and especially by a continual discontent with the height of the table where he worked.

Todd, who had noticed a shade of testiness in the queries of the officers as to the exact location of the gold and diamonds, expressed a desire to climb the rigging next afternoon, a feat he had often wished to perform, which he did clumsily, going through the lubber's hole, and seated in the maintop with Mr.

Brenton did not wait for him to finish out the question. "No; I am not," he snapped, with a testiness that would have been a healthy mental symptom, had it not betrayed the fact that his nerves were dangerously on edge. The doctor, still watching him from above his pipe, judged it would be well to change the subject. "Besides," he added casually; "I fancy that Reed may be an entering factor."

This husband of my defunta sister ought to have been married a long time ago to the widow with the wooden legs." "I see. But remember that; whatever your motives, your worship countenanced him in this lie." The bright unhappy eyes on each side of a predatory nose confronted Byrne without wincing, while with that testiness which lurks so often at the bottom of Spanish dignity

The Vidame, who in spite of his antiquarian testiness is something of a philosopher, takes advantage of her peculiarities to compass such of his wishes as happen to run counter to her laws.

"D'ye think architecting'll be any better than this?" `This' meant printing. "I don't know " "Ye don't know! Ye don't know!" Darius repeated testily. His testiness was only like foam on the great wave of his resentment. "Mr Orgreave " Edwin began. It was unfortunate, because Darius had had a difficulty with Mr Orgreave, who was notoriously somewhat exacting in the matter of prices.

Dougal underwent another and very close examination, in which he steadfastly asserted the truth of what he had before affirmed; and being rebuked on account of the suspicious and dangerous appearance of the route by which he was guiding them, he answered with a sort of testiness that seemed very natural, "Her nainsell didna mak ta road; an shentlemans likit grand roads, she suld hae pided at Glasco."

'Yes, I'll tell John all about that by and by! interposed Selina; at which, perceiving that the secret which he did not like keeping was to be kept even yet, her father held his tongue with some show of testiness. The subject of a dance having been broached, to put the thought in practice was the feeling of all.