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The bullet head of one sturdy badmash cracked like an eggshell under the butt of the bold tar's musket; a second received the terrible hook square in the teeth; and a third, no other than Parmiter himself, was caught round the neck at the next lunge of the hook, and flung, with a mighty heave, full into the midst of the defenders. Bulger drew a long breath.

'Pears to me he looks more straightforward than those as accuses him." Both officials were taken back by the tar's aggressive manner. "Better be careful," continued the sailor. "You don't know who this young gentleman is, and before long you'll be laying up a heap of trouble for yourselves." "We have to be on our guard," said the first official in a milder tone.

"Where is he?" "Outside, shipmate. He durstn't stay inside longer, and he sent me to keep a lookout for you. I was giving you up when I clapped my old watchdogs on you. You are ready to go out to the <i>Elizabeth</i> in my boat?" Jack's reply was an exclamation of joy and a more fervant grip of the honest old tar's hand. "Captain Hillgrove had not deserted me after all!"

"Let us try to find Kernel Cob and Jackie Tar before they die of the cold," said the Villain. "Very well," said Saint Bernard, for that was the name of the dog, "Come with me and we'll soon find them." So he asked them to climb upon his back and he trotted off, and pretty soon they came to a spot where Jackie Tar's head was sticking up out of the snow.

I dare say you've noticed that when women take up a man's job they're inclined to overdo it; and when Sal came down that day with a round tarpaulin-hat stuck on the back of her head, and her hair plaited in a queue like a Jack Tar's, her spiteful little husband fairly danced. "'Tis onwomanly," said he. "Go upstairs and take it off!"

Gin I'd kenned, I'd latten him chok, the mairterin' footer 'at he is. We a' gaed awa' doon the yaird aboot half-past seven, to see a noo henhouse 'at Aleck had been tarrin' that efternune. He maun be a handy earl, mind ye. "Tak' care o' your frocks, for that tar's weet yet," says Aleck to the lassies.

"O Gawd," he was saying, "we're a-going to sink, and I carn't swim! The blarsted tar's give way back here." "Is she leaking?" I cried. "She's a-filling up like a bath tub," he lamented.

We might have killed some of them if they had kept on showing fight; and I don't say, mind you, as some of them hadn't got some very awkward cuts, for when a British tar's fighting in a good cause, and been knocked about till his monkey's well up, his habit is to hit hard; but there, as soon as we had driven that lot below they chucked their knives and axes and pikes away and began to howl for mercy.

A real seaman knows too well what sea-perils are, and that what is another man's case one day may be his the next; and cowardice and cold-heartedness are the last sins that can be laid at Jack Tar's door as a rule.

As William Foster has said, `let by-gones be by-gones. It's very good of him to say so, and I only mean to give you a word or two on the subject. This little jar has got tar in it, and tar's a very wholesome and useful thing in its proper place.