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Pandemonium broke loose. Triplett was showered with congratulations. Whinney sang a very dreary arrangement of "Mandalay" his one parlor trick; Swank did an imitation of Elsie Janis's imitation of Ethel Barrymore and I sang "The Wreck of the Julie Plante," an amusing ballad describing the loss by drowning of an entire ship's company. But the climax was yet to come.

She was generous in her own way, and rather affectionate, but nature had not endowed her with tact, and she would go blundering on, never seeing that she was making mistakes. Her very chums soon tired of her and discreetly left her to some one else. "I sometimes think she's a little bit dotty!" opined Nesta. "Nonsense! She's as sane as you or I. It's all swank!

"Won't sleep nowhere else," answered Albert. "And what's more, Four Pound won't sleep unless his pal's with him. They've always had this loose-box atween 'em from the start. Miss Boy used to sleep in here, too, when he was a foal." The youth dropped his swank, and became confidential and keen. "Wonderful close friends, them two, you wouldn't believe.

And, if you get holt of a fiddle or a concertina, don't rasp or swank too much on old tunes, when he's round, for the Oracle can't stand it. Play something lively. He'll be down there at that surveyor's camp yarning till all hours, so we'll have plenty of time for the story but don't you ever give him a hint that you know.

Beneath it ran the insolent motto of an ancient and disreputable clan, "What I want I take!" "This is the place all right I recognize Joe there." Val pointed to the crest. "Good old Joe, always laughing." Ricky made a face. "Horrid old thing. I don't see why we couldn't have had a swan or something nice to swank about."

He got up a regiment of them Budhuks, Bagrees all sorts; it was named the Wolf Regiment that was the only clever thing about it, the name. They stripped the uniforms from the backs of the officers sent to drill them and kicked them out of camp; said the officers put on swank; wouldn't clean their own horses and weapons, same as the other men."

The Viscountess of Casa-Evora is too proud. That's superb." Cassy turned on him. "See here, young man " "Don't you young man me," Jones irritably cut in. "In the rotunda out there, Dunwoodie gave me a foretaste of your swank and I can tell you I relished it.

"Can't quite figger it out," he would mutter, lowering the astrolabe from its aim at the sun "accordin' to this here jackass-quadrant we orter be dee-creesing our latitude but the answer comes out different." "Too much jackass and too little quadrant," snapped Swank, whose nerves were still like E strings.

Flunkeyism, 'swank, the timid worship of the peerage, the leprosy of social hypocrisy, all sap his strength, as barnacles clinging to the keel of a ship lessen her speed with each recurring voyage.

Whinney's shutter was now clicking industriously. He had decided to use an entire film, and submit the picture which came out best. Swank was gradually covering his canvas by squeezing the paint directly from the tubes, a method which has since been copied by many others the "Tubistes" so called.