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The clerk paused to squint and add, "There ain't anybody tried any straightenin' out around here since then, you bet. Gar!" "How long ago has that been?" "About fourteen years now." Surprised by this sharp variation from the ordinary standards of trade, I began thinking of possible conditions which had produced it, when one evening I happened in on the local barber.

Doc, he allows he can see his eyes straightenin' out every day. 'I ought to have a year on this job, says he; 'but these here is urgent times. "I should say they was urgent. The time for the county fair at Socorro was comin' right clost. "At last we takes the old Hasenberg Pinto over to Socorro to the fair, and there we enters him in everything from the front to the back of the racin' book.

He's arm in arm with a shrimpy, Frenchy lookin' party wearin' a silk lid and a frock coat. They pushes unsteady through Eggy's illustrious ancestor bunch and comes to parade rest in the center of the stage. "Winthrop!" gasps Mr. Hubbard. "Eh?" gasps the young gent, starin' round uncertain until he locates J. Q. Then he makes a stab at straightenin' up.

Her father went on. "Long's we're confessin'," he said, "we might as well make a clean job of it. I wrote him, all on my own hook. You see, Gertie, 'twas on your account mainly. I was gettin' pretty desperate about you. Instead of straightenin' out your ma's course you were followin' in her wake, runnin' ahead of her, if anything.

'Put on thy beautiful garments ... I says over, 'Put 'em on put 'em on! An' all the while I was seein' to the supper for the crowd that was goin' to be there train relations an' all I kep' thinkin' that over like a song 'Put 'em on put 'em on put 'em on! An' it was in me yet, like a song had come to life there, when they'd all gone to the cemetery 'Leven with 'em an' I'd got through straightenin' the chairs or rather crookedin' 'em some into loops from funeral lines an' slipped over to my house, back way.

They followed a footpath now, but the walk was nothing to them. It was in truth a relief after so much traveling in the boat. "My legs are long an' they need straightenin'," said Jarvis. "The ten miles before us will jest about take out the kinks." Jarvis was a bachelor, his house being kept by his widowed sister, Ike's mother, and old Aunt Suse.

I'm a man of strange beliefs an' ways of thinkin', an' I seem to see into the future an' feel things hard to explain. The trail I've been followin' for so many years was twisted en' tangled, but it's straightenin' out now. An', Jane Withersteen, you crossed it long ago to ease poor Milly's agony. That, whether you want or not, makes Lassiter your friend.

I allow there ain't a kid within a thousand miles of here that would tackle the contract you've taken this mornin'. If we wasn't bound to the Winnemucca Range, an it wasn't quite so late in the season, we'd help you out by goin' down to camp an' straightenin' things a bit; but it can't be done now. We'll buy your rifle though, an' that's what we've agreed on.

The foghorn ain't the only thing that's runnin' wild. My own flesh and blood defies me." Martha interrupted. "You hear that, Mr. Bangs?" she said. "And we were all hopin' THAT snarl was straightenin' itself out." Galusha looked very uneasy. "Dear me," he said. "Really, now. Oh, dear!" "Well," continued Lulie, "that was enough, of course.

I shoved the kettle on when I seen you comin'." She opened a box, and produced a small, octagonal blue bottle, which she held up to the light. "Chlorodyne," she explained; "an there's some left, better luck. Good thing to keep about the house, but it ain't equal to Pain-killer for straightenin' a person up." She handed me the bottle, and proceeded to lay the table.