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Nearly every day my little boy was sent for to play among happy children, far away from the impure atmosphere of the hospital, which was soon filled with patients suffering from almost every form of disease. As the demand for more room became pressing, the three stories of the main building were successively utilized, as well as a large storage-room in the yard.

Since October it had been in the dark, cool storage-room, and Horace, like some old monkish connoisseur of wines who knows just when to bring up the bottles of a certain vintage, had chosen the exact moment in all the year when the vintage of the Bellflower was at its best.

Impossible!" "True, nevertheless. Manderson has just now routed him out of the starboard storage-room, near the reserve petrol-tank." "Hm! Who is he?" Bohannan shrugged stout shoulders. "Don't know yet. He's still dopy. Just coming out of the effects of the lethalizing gas." "Ah, yes, yes, I see. One of the former crew, I suppose. This is quite inexcusable.

Charity, extremely dirty she had apparently run dusty hands across her forehead several times had come to the door of the storage-room. At the sight of Rupert she flushed and made a hurried attempt at smoothing her hair. "I " she began, when Ricky interrupted her. "Charity is helping us, which is more than we can say of you. Go back to your old den and hibernate.

The storage-room that could furnish forth its mate must be one whose proprietors held inviolate relics of long-gone days, for its like has not been made since the life of America was slenderly strung along the Atlantic seaboard and the bison ranged about his salt licks east of the Mississippi.

"Only spare my white flannels, please. I'm saving those for the occasion when I can play the country gentleman in style." Upstairs he braced open the hall door of the storage-room. The open windows had cleared the air within but they were too high and too small to admit enough light to reach the far corners.

The shanty a temporary structure, good only for the life of the work rested on a set of stringers laid on extra piles driven outside of the working-platform. When the submarine work lies miles from shore, a shanty is the only shelter for the men, its interior being arranged with sleeping-bunks, with one end partitioned off for a kitchen and a storage-room.

Creighton made several attempts to get in touch with Jeems, whom he seemed to suspect of concealing vast literary treasures. And he spent one hot morning going through the trunk of papers which the Ralestones had found in the storage-room. Ricky commented upon the fact that being a publisher's scout was almost like being an antique buyer. Holmes was a perfect foil for his laboring friend.

I have also insisted on a covered veranda and sleeping porch on the south side of the shack, and fly-screens, and repairs to the chimney to stop the range from smoking. And since the cellar, which is merely timbered, will have to be both my coal-hole and my storage-room, it most assuredly will have to be cemented.

Broad low houses with huge chimney-stacks and dormer-windows stood open and hospitable; for Mackinac was en fête while the fur season lasted. One huge storage-room, a wing of the Fur Company's building, was lighted with candles around the sides for the nightly ball. Squared dark joists of timber showed overhead. The fiddlers sat on a raised platform, playing in ecstasy.