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Smith scraped round this with his ice-axe and presently discovered one of the motor-sledges Captain Scott used. Everything was just as it had been left, the petrol-tank partly filled and apparently undeteriorated. We marked the spot with a pole. The snow clearing, we proceeded with a relay. We got only half a mile, still struggling in deep snow, and then went back for the second load.

An hour only I remained, in order to get a hot meal, for I was half perished by the cold, and then, after refilling my petrol-tank and taking a look around the engines, we both mounted, and I turned the car back into the road along which I had travelled. It was already nearly dark, and very soon I had to put on the search-light. Bindo, seated at my side, appeared utterly worn-out with travel.

What do you think we are here for on our way to Amsterdam if not on business?" he answered, with a smile. "But where are they? I haven't seen them when our luggage has been overhauled at the frontiers," I said. "Stop the car, and get down." I did so. He went along the road till he found a long piece of stick. Then, unscrewing the cap of the petrol-tank, he stuck in the stick and moved it about.

He must stop the car and shoot that pestiferous cyclist, who had sprung out of the ground as though one of Medusa's teeth had lain buried there throughout the ages, and become a panoplied warrior at a woman's cry. He looked ahead. There was no car in sight. He peered over his shoulder. There was no cyclist! Petch had not counted on this frenzied race, and his petrol-tank was empty.

A seventh Hun sweeps past in front, about eighty yards ahead. The pilot's gun rakes it from stem to stern as it crosses, and he gives a great shout as its petrol-tank begins to blaze and the enemy craft flings itself down, with a stream of smoke and another flame shooting out behind. But his own petrol-tank has been plugged from the side, and his observer has a bullet in the left arm.

How was I to get rid of him? My only chance lay in remaining perfectly calm and indifferent. A witness to testify to my identity was, no doubt, on his way out from England, and the two detectives were holding me up until his arrival. Together we walked to the car, and for nearly half an hour I was occupied in filling the petrol-tank and putting everything in order for a long and hard journey.

There is a dial, also, showing the pressure in his petrol-tank; while there will be a clock on his dashboard at which he will glance occasionally, after he has marked some position away on the land below, so as to determine what progress he is making from the point of view of time.

Impossible!" "True, nevertheless. Manderson has just now routed him out of the starboard storage-room, near the reserve petrol-tank." "Hm! Who is he?" Bohannan shrugged stout shoulders. "Don't know yet. He's still dopy. Just coming out of the effects of the lethalizing gas." "Ah, yes, yes, I see. One of the former crew, I suppose. This is quite inexcusable.

No, thanks, I'Il have marmalade." "There's almost a full moon," said I. "I know," said Berry, "but the banjo's being painted." "We'd better stop at the inn at Steeple Abbas," said Jonah. "If we can get as far as Steeple, we can make Fallow," said I. "Remember, I'm driving." "We are not likely to forget it, brother," said Berry. "If you knew the difference between the petrol-tank and the gear-box "

At ten o'clock that same night we took out the petrol-tank and emptied from it its precious contents, which half an hour later had been washed and were safely reposing from the eyes of the curious between tissue paper in the safe in the old Jew's dark den in the Kerk Straat, in Amsterdam. That was a year ago, and old Dumont still carries on business in the Rue de la Paix.