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"I was trying to find the Candace Farm," choked Ida Bellethorne. "I want to know!" said Jaroth. "That's the stockfarm where they pasture so many sportin' hosses. Candace, he makes a good thing out of it. But it's eight miles from here and not in the direction we're going, Mr. Gordon." "We will take her along to Mountain Camp," said Uncle Dick. "One more will not scare Mrs. Canary, I am sure."

"They never fights in winter, and your fishin' pole is strong enough so she won't be hurt any by heavin' they out soon as you hooks un," grinned Toby. "'Tis too cold to play with un any. Just heave un up on the ice. They don't feel much like sportin' about this weather." Charley had scarcely dropped his line into the water, when Violet gave a little scream of delight, and cried: "I gets one!

"He's the most ungratefullest cuss I ever come up with. I was only oratin' on how proud the city ought to be of him. He fairly keeps Plattville's sportin' spirit on the gog; 'die out, wasn't for him.

They're only samples o' dressmaking and jewelry that a vain, conceited shrimp of a feller up in Sacramento sends down here to get customers for. In course I'm to pay for 'em. In course he reckons I'm to do it. In course I calkilate to do it; but he needn't try to play 'em off as presents. He talks suthin' o' coming down here, sportin' hisself off on Flip as a fancy buck!

Then all hands would set up and look interested, and Bill would wink acrost at his chum and drawl: "'That's the way to get over the country! Why, a horse isn't one two three with that! Cap'n Wixon, I'm surprised that a sportin' man like you hasn't bought one of those things long afore this. "For the next twenty minutes there wouldn't be any dullness. Jonadab would take care of that.

"Done it! av coorse ye have!" cried Flinn, picking up an enormous bird; "it cudn't have bin nater done by a sportin' lord." "Then it ain't a tame one?" asked Slagg eagerly. "No more a tame wan than yoursilf, an' the best of aitin' too," said. Flinn.

"Best two throws out 'en three. See here, she's as much mine as Brandt's." "Make it half my pile an' I'll go you." "Nary time. Bet, or give me back what yer win," replied Legget gruffly. "She's a trim little craft, no mistake," said Case, critically surveying Helen. "All right, cap'n, I've sportin' blood, an' I'll bet. Yer throw first." Legget won the first cast, and Case the second.

'It's an ungenerous world, observed Sponge, 'and it's no use being abused for nothing. What sort of a genius is Pacey? Is he inclined to go the pace? 'Oh, quite, replied Jack; 'his great desire is to be thought a sportsman. 'A sportsman or a sporting man? asked Sponge. 'W-h-o-y! I should say p'raps a sportin' man more than the sportsman, replied Jack.

"Dere's a good 'eal er sportin' blood in de old gen'l'man, Pete; a good 'eal er sportin' blood," he remarked, with the utmost cheerfulness. "Bein' a sportin' man myself I ainter goin' back on a frien'." "You're goin' back on your word fast enough!" said Pete bitterly. "No, I aint. I toljer I wouldn't bodder you. I didn't guarantee nobody else.

"What fight? Why, the fight," returned his companion, with the slow contempt of superior knowledge. "It's to come off here to-night. You knew that as well as me; anyway your sportin' editor knows it. He got the tip last night, but that won't help you any. You needn't think there's any chance of your getting a peep at it. Why, tickets is two hundred and fifty apiece!"