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If she had told this to the children, all would have been right; but Aunt Izzie's theory was, that young people must obey their elders without explanation. John, and Elsie, and Dorry, all pouted when they heard this order. Elsie recovered her good-humor first. "I don't care," she said, "'cause I'm going to be very busy; I've got to write a letter to Cousin Helen about somefing."

"What?" asked Clover. "Oh, somefing," answered Elsie, wagging her head mysteriously. "None of the rest of you must know, Cousin Helen said so, it's a secret she and me has got." "I don't believe Cousin Helen said so at all," said Katy, crossly. "She wouldn't tell secrets to a silly little girl like you." "Yes she would too," retorted Elsie angrily.

It was all that her little heart could do to keep from papa and mamma the wonderful secret. Every evening she would bustle about her father with an air of such great mystery, and seek to pique his curiosity by most skilful hints, such as, "I know somefing! but I s'ant tell you." "Not tell me! O Ally! Why not?" "O, it's about a New 'Ear's pes "

And jus' as she was a-puttin' on her shoes, all ob a sudden de door opens and in walks my lordship, follyed by two men! which she was so 'stonished she could do nothing but stare, 'till my lordship sprung at her t'roat and put somefing to her nose, as made her faint away. Which ob course it mus' a been chloe-fawn." "Of course," said Ishmael; "but go on with your statement."

Her face gradually cleared, and when at the end he said slyly, "And even if there were bogies, little girls shouldn't throw hairbrushes at their Nannies!" she nodded a judicial head, adding plaintively: "But then Nannies mustn't talk all the time, grandfather! Little girls must talk a itty itty bit. If Nannies not let them, little girls must frow somefing at Nannies."

Was she thinking of that brother on whom the Scotch mist was falling so remorselessly? The Seraph was speaking. "It's a vewy bad fing to be dead," he was saying reminiscently , "you can't eat, you can't dwink, an' you jus' fly awound lookin' for somefing to light on!" I trembled for him, but Mrs. Handsomebody, lost in thought, gave no heed to him. At last she raised her eyes.

"'Foh Gawd's sake, mistah, doan shoot! he yells. 'Dat white mahn's been tellin' a passel ob lies about me until ah's sartain suah somefing gwine fer to git me. Ah can eat an' talk like any one, an' mos' ebery one knows me about yeah wen ah ain't got dese yeah contraptions on. "'Shut up, you blame fool! says Merritt. 'He won't shoot you.

If Rosy isn't there, never mind her. Come along. There's something good for tea." "There's Colin," said Fix, turning as if to run off to his brother. Again Rosy's mood changed. "Don't run away from Rosy, Fix," she said. "Rosy's not cross, she's only troubled about somefing Fix is too little to understand. Take Rosy's hand, dear, and we'll go up to tea togever.

I arsked 'im wot they did, an' 'e says, 'Make boats an' fings, with now an' agin a little flurry in shippin' ter break the monotony.... Anyway, I traced the devil wot nearly got you, Guv'nor, and that's somefing. And if I don't give 'im a taste of the 'appy 'ereafter, well, my name's not Dollops." Cleek laughed and laid a hand upon the lad's shoulder.

"There she goes again, messing with the doll's quilt," I agreed. "Le's fwow somefing at her!" suggested The Seraph. "Yes, and get into a row with the Bishop," answered Angel. "But I don't see myself going over there to play again. She's spoiled everything." "I s'pose she's a spoiled child," said The Seraph, dreamily. "Wonder where her muvver is."