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I gave my hand to them all and made Signs of my friendly dispotion and offered the men my pipe to Smok and distributed a fiew Small articles which I had in my pockets,-this measure passified those distressed people verry much, I then Sent one man into each lodge and entered a Second myself the inhabitants of which I found more fritened than those of the first lodge I destributed Sundrey Small articles amongst them, and Smoked with the men, I then entered the third 4h & fifth Lodge which I found Somewhat passified, the three men, Drewer Jo. & R. Fields, haveing useed everey means in their power to convince them of our friendly disposition to them, I then Set my Self on a rock and made Signs to the men to come and Smoke with me not one Come out untill the Canoes arrived with the 2 Chiefs, one of whom spoke aloud, and as was their Custom to all we had passed the Indians came out & Set by me and Smoked They said we came from the clouds &c &c and were not men &c. &c. this time Capt.

The Houses or Lodges of the tribes of the main Columbia river is of large mats made of rushes, Those houses are from 15 to 60 feet in length generally of an Oblong Squar form, Suported by poles on forks in the iner Side, Six feet high, the top is covered also with mats leaveing a Seperation in the whole length of about 12 or 15 inches wide, left for the purpose of admitting light and for the Smok of the fire to pass which is made in the middle of the house. The roughfs are nearly flat, which proves to me that rains are not common in this open Countrey

Why did not your prophetic soul enable you to see further and tell of our present state of comparative good fortune, Mr Wiseman?" asked Victor with a sigh of contentment. "I did not prophesy, Vic; I only talked of what might be." "Vat is dat you say? vat might be?" exclaimed Rollin. "Ah! vat is is vorse. Here am me, go to bed vidout my smok. Dat is most shockable state I has yet arrive to."

I suppose I cannot have a cigarette before setting out?" "Aw, naw, sir!" Roderick pleaded. "In this weather, you cannot say where the deer may be you may happen on them at any moment and there will be plenty of time for you to smok on the weh hom."

We shall accompany the captain on his adventurous errand. Captain Bonneville sets out for Green River valley Journey up the Popo Agie Buffaloes The staring white bears The smok The warm springs Attempt to traverse the Wind River Mountains The Great Slope Mountain dells and chasms Crystal lakes Ascent of a snowy peak Sublime prospect A panorama "Les dignes de pitie," or wild men of the mountains

Course, as you're always complaining, I do like decent cigars not those Flor de Cabagos you're smoking " "That's all right now! That's a good two-for. By the way, Paul, did I tell you I decided to practically cut out smok " "Yes you At the same time, if I can't get what I like, why, I can do without it.

That worthy German was a brilliant exception to his countrymen in the matter of tobacco. Victor, under the influence of example, was attempting in a quiet way to acquire the art, but with little success. He took to the pipe awkwardly. "Vat vor you smok?" asked Winklemann, in a tone of contempt to Victor. "It is clear zat you do not loike it."

I was furnished with a mat to Sit on, and one man Set about prepareing me Something to eate, first he brought in a piece of a Drift log of pine and with a wedge of the elks horn, and a malet of Stone curioesly Carved he Split the log into Small pieces and lay'd it open on the fire on which he put round Stones, a woman handed him a basket of water and a large Salmon about half Dried, when the Stones were hot he put them into the basket of water with the fish which was Soon Suflicently boiled for use. it was then taken out put on a platter of rushes neetly made, and Set before me they boiled a Salmon for each of the men with me, dureing those preperations, I Smoked with those about me who Chose to Smoke which was but fiew, this being a custom those people are but little accustomed to and only Smok thro form. after eateing the boiled fish which was delicious, I Set out & halted or came too on the Island at the two Lodges.