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And to show how little one has one's eye upon the larger issues, the thing that upset me most on coming into a "Tommies'" ward was the fact that instead of twenty-six lemons twice a day for the making of lemonade I now squeeze two into an old jug and hope for the best about the sugar. Smiff said to-day, "Give us a drop of lemon, nurse...." And the Sister: "Go on with you!

"I reckon dey's 'vantages everywhah fu' anybody dat wants to wu'k." "Yes, but what kin' o' wages does yo' git? Why, de Johnsons say dey had a lettah f'om Miss Smiff an' dey's gettin' 'long fine in de Nawth." "De Johnsons ain' gwine?" "Si Johnson is " Then the woman stopped suddenly. "Oh, hit's Si Johnson? Huh!" "He ain' goin' wid me.

I won't have the new nurse making a pet of you...." I suppose I'm new to it, and one can't carry on the work that way, but, God knows, the water one can add to a lemon is cheap enough! Smiff had a flash of temper to-night. He said: "Keepin' me here starin' at green walls this way! Nothing but green, nine blessed months!"

Now that Cosy Moments has our excellent friend Comrade Jarvis on its side, are you not to a certain extent among the Blenheim Oranges? I think so. I think so." As he spoke there was a rap at the door. A small boy entered. In his hand was a scrap of paper. "Guy asks me give dis to gazebo named Smiff," he said. "There are many gazebos of that name, my lad.

But he forgets himself: there are no individualists now; his "system" belongs to us. Sister said, laughing, to Smiff the other day, "Your leg is mine." "Wrong again; it's the Governmint's!" said Smiff. But Corrigan is Irish and doesn't like that joke. There are times when my heart fails me; when my eyes, my ears, my tongue, and my understanding fail me; when pain means nothing to me....

He was up and dressed in his bedraggled khaki uniform when the stretcher-bearers came for him. He looked down his nose at the stretcher. "I don't much like the look of that," he said. The stretcher-bearers waited for him. He stood irresolute. "I never bin in one of them, and I don't want to make a start." "Its bad luck to be our name," called out Smiff, waving his amputated ankle.

Yus, you flat-footed matlot not even a blasted tiffy you ain't, and you buys a blighted baccy-pouch and yaller baccy and fag-pipers, like a Snottie, an' reckons you's on the 'igh road to be a bloomin' Winnie Lloyd Gorgeous Orficer. 'And 'em 'ere fore I'm sick. Lootenant, Gunnery Jack, Number One, Commerdore!" "Parding me, 'Enery Smiff," returned William Jones with quiet dignity.

Sister shrugged her shoulders and laughed; I listened to him as I cleaned the syringe. I gathered that it was the indignity that had shocked his sense of individual pride. "Treating me like a cow...." I heard him say to Smiff who laughed, since it wasn't his shoulder that carried the serum.

Smiff laughed: he has been in hospital nine months, and his theory is that a Sister may do anything at any moment; his theory is that nothing does any good that if you don't fuss you don't get worse. Corrigan was angry all day; the idea that "a bloomin' woman should come an' shove something into me systim" was too much for him.

Come on up, Brer Smiff, 'n' I'll gi'e you yo' change!" "Ef Brer Smiff'll loan me dat nickel?" said a timid voice near the window. Smith hesitated, grinning broadly. "Ef ef I could o' spared de dime, Mr. Small, I'd a put it in myse'f, but but " "But nothin'! Put de dime in de hat!" The voice came from near the front now. "Put it all in de hat, Brer Smiff.