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The water had sleeked down his hair to a satin skullcap on his full head. "This is a wet night, madame and mesdemoiselles," he observed. "Oh, Monsieur Zhone," lamented Madame Saucier, "how can you laugh? We are all ruined." "No, madame. There is no such word as 'ruin' in the Territory." "And I must take my two little children, and leave Angélique here in the midst of this water."

Karara's still damp head was bowed until those black locks, now sleeked to her round skull, almost touched the man's close-cropped brown hair. They were both studying a map as if they saw not lines on paper but the actual inlets and lagoons which that drawing represented. "You are sure, Gordon, that this is the modern point to match the site on the tape?" The girl brushed back straying hair.

There was a very high outside wall: and the place insured such privacy as could not be had in St. Bat's church. Some crusted stones lay broad as gray doors on ancient graves; but the most stood up in irregular oblongs, white and lichened. A cat call from the lane was the last shot of the battle. Eagle valiantly sleeked her disarrayed hair, the breast under her bodice still heaving and sobbing.

Vine said that the Victoria Falls were all right, but that their surroundings were, many of them, perversely wrong. It was so very stale, the hotel business, with the moonlight river excursions and the Livingstone trips, far too much sleeked and smoothed by foresight, and tamed by taking of thought. If one had only traveled up with pack donkeys, provisioned with leathery meat and leathery damper!

How many a human being has sleeked the rich softness of my magnificent tiger skin, and then said, in perfect good faith, "How Toots enjoys being stroked!" "How you enjoy the feel of my fur, you mean," I am tempted to say. But I do not say it. It doesn't do to disturb the self-complacency of people who have the control of the milk-jug.

They pressed upon him in a throng; but above them all rose a woman whose startling talents had satisfied him for months. She was a little, slender brunette, with black eyes and burnished hair parted on one side and sleeked down over her head. He had known her in a cafe where she gave ventriloqual performances.

"Pooh!" said the member; "I'll send an express." "Oh, no indeed; thank you." "Why not?" I hesitated. "You see, sir, that my father and mother are both new to London; and though I am new too, yet they may want me, I may be of use." Lady Ellinor put her hand on my head and sleeked down my hair as I spoke. "Right, young man, right; you will do in the world, wrong as that is.

The bold Captain Barlow had left two ends of thread sticking out from the place where he had ended his stitch. Besides, my thread had been soaped, to make it work more easily. The thread in the flap now was plainly not soaped; it was fibrous to the touch, not sleeked down, as mine had been. When I went on deck, I found the ship driving fast down Channel, making an excellent passage.

Fine trees stood out here and there upon the slope of the field; and Captain Merrifield's fine sleeked cows were licking each other, or chewing the cud, under them. There was a white Chinese bridge, the rails all zigzags, and patterns running this way and that, so that it must have been very ugly and glaring before the white paint had faded so much.

They skidded the Bluebird out on the beach at the Cove's head and overhauled her inside and out, hull and machinery. That brought them well into April. The new carrier was complete from truck to keelson. She had been awaiting only MacRae's pleasure for her maiden sea-dip. So now, with the Bluebird sleeked with new paint, he went down for the launching. There was a little ceremony over that.