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Twitt an' me, we felt as if we could 'a served the Lord faithful to the end of the world! An' we 'ardly ever feels like that in Church. In Church they reads the words so sing-songy like, that, bein' tired, we goes to sleep wi' the soothin' drawl. But Mr.

Every meeting about the third man up was Isaac, and we had to watch him wave, and rant, and go sing-songy: "Oh brethering and sistering ah, It delights my heart ah to gather with you, In this holy house of worship ah. In his sacred word ah, The Lord ah tells us, That we are all his childring ah.

It began sort of sing-songy and measured in stops, like a poetry piece: "Our Heavenly Father: We come before Thee this morning, Humble worms of the dust, imploring thy blessing. We beseech Thee to forgive our transgressions, Heal our backsliding, and love us freely." Sometimes from there on it changed a little, but it always began and ended exactly the same way.

"We-e-e-ell," he drawls, half chucklin', half sing-songy, "I wisht I could get you to kind of look around for a young fellah in thayah, sort of a well favored, upstandin' young man, straight as a cornstalk, and with his front haiah a little wavy. Would you?" "I might find fifty that would answer to that description," says I. "No, Suh, I reckon not," says he, waggin' his noble old head.

I got a high-school copy of "From Milton to Tennyson," and read every sing-songy poem I could find "The Ancient Mariner" twice, hardly pronouncing the words as I droned along. Then he began to get delirious. It is a very terrifying experience to see for the first time a person in a delirium, and that person the one you love most on earth.