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"Mother, wife and daughter love is a institution, but real sistering is a downright covenant. Me and Bettie have held one betwixt us these many a year. But you and me have both put a slight on the kitchen since Cindy got back. Let's go see if dinner ain't most on the table." And they found that from their neglect the dinner had suffered not at all.

Sometimes the hymn-singing and praying, and "Sistering" and "Brothering" get on my nerves, until I almost scream, but when I remember how heavenly good to me they are I'm all contrition. I have even been invited to write for the Mission papers, now isn't that sufficient glory for any sinner? Your letters are such comforts to me! I read them over and over and actually know parts of them by heart!

All the 'sistering' in the world won't help a lame man to walk." "I'm not so awfully lame, am I?" "No. Just limpy. But don't try to run yet, Jerry." "Oh, I say " "Just keep your eyes open. You'll see." And then quietly, "You know Phil Laidlaw, don't you?" "Oh, yes, fine chap." "I think it wouldn't harm you to know Phil better. He isn't brilliant, but he's steady, sure, reliable.

And then when he had reduced the car to a slower pace, "You know, Una," he laughed, "you do take charge of a fellow, don't you?" "You need 'mothering'," she smiled. "Or sistering. I wish I had a sister like you. Fellows ought to have sisters, anyway. People ought to be born in pairs, male and female." She laughed and then with sudden seriousness: "But people ought to stand on their feet.

Every meeting about the third man up was Isaac, and we had to watch him wave, and rant, and go sing-songy: "Oh brethering and sistering ah, It delights my heart ah to gather with you, In this holy house of worship ah. In his sacred word ah, The Lord ah tells us, That we are all his childring ah.