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The full chest means she's healthy, the nose means she ain't finicky, and likin' cats means she's kind and honest and unselfish. Ever notice some women when a cat's around? They pretend to like 'em and say 'Nice kitty! but you can see they're viewin' 'em with bitter hate and suspicion. If they have to stroke 'em they do it plenty gingerly and you can see 'em shudderin' inside like.

Cherokee is a heap sot in his idees, an' I sees right off he's took a notion ag'in the Red Dog man. "'As you've got a lot of work cut out, says Cherokee, eyein' the Red Dog man malignant, 's'pose we tips the canteen ag'in. "'I shorely goes you, says the Red Dog man. 'I drinks with friend, an' I drinks with foe; with the pard of my bosom an' the shudderin' victim of my wrath all sim'lar.

"I'm not complaining, ma'am," says Cyril; "but Cook, you see, she she didn't like it because of my bringing back the roast. And I'm not very good at dodging, ma'am." "Oh!" says Doris, shudderin'. "It struck me here, ma'am," says Cyril, indicatin' the exact spot. "Yes, yes, I see," says Doris. "I I'm sorry, Snee." "Not at all, ma'am," objects Cyril. "My fault entirely. I should have jumped quicker.

Even Nony acted a trifle less bitter and austeer when he heard the news, and made the remark, "That he hoped that he would be happy." But there wuz a dark and shudderin' oncertainty and onbelief in his cold eyes as he said that "Hope" that wuz dretful deprestin' to me not to Mr. Freeman; no, that blessed creeter wuz too happy to be affected by such glacial congratulations as Nony Piddock's.

"'Well, Jim, says Bill, who's been settin' thar shudderin' through them rhapsodies, an' now an' then gettin' a glimpse of this yere female with the tail of his eye: 'Well, Jim, far be it from me, an' me your brother, to go avouchin' views to make you feel doobious of your choice. But candor's got the drop on me an' compels me to speak my thoughts.

"Not very," replied his wife, raising her head. "I'm strong, thank God, and can stand it; but Peggy here is shudderin' awful bad. I believe she'll die if somethin' isn't done for her." "I think if she could only ring the water out of her clothes," whispered Mrs Hayward to her husband, "it might do her some good, but " "I know that, Eva: it would do you all good, and we must have it done somehow "

"So that accounts for the nervous motions, eh?" says I. "What does Pa Pulsifer have to say to this defi?" "Goodness!" says Ferdie, shudderin'. "He doesn't know. No one dares tell him a word. If he found out well, it would be awful!" "Huh!" says I. "One of these fam'ly ringmasters, is he?"