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Proceeded to the Hayward, where I met Thring. There is some soft mud in Phillip Creek, but none in Bishop Creek. Camped, and cleared out a place for the horses to drink at. A number of natives have been camped on the opposite side of the creek, where they have left their spears, dishes, etc. Thring had arrived here some time before.

They remained until sundown, and then did not seem inclined to go away, but prepared sleeping-places for the night a proof that this is the only water near. There are upwards of thirty men, besides women and children. Wind, south-east. Clouds all gone. Tuesday, 16th September, Hayward Creek.

Hayward declared some woman had biassed him; Kinglake was of opinion that by studying the etat of Queen Elizabeth Froude had "gone and turned himself into an old maid." Froude's Preface to her next work, "Russia and England, a Protest and an Appeal," by O. K., 1880, was worded in a very different tone and satisfied all her friends.

It was not hard to guess that he drank too much. "What on earth made you think of going out to the Cape?" asked Philip. "Oh, I don't know, I thought I ought to." Philip was silent. He felt rather silly. He understood that Hayward was being driven by an uneasiness in his soul which he could not account for. Some power within him made it seem necessary to go and fight for his country.

Like many other famous men, he passed through a period of shyness, which yielded to women's tactfulness only. From the first they appreciated him; "if you were as gentle as your friend Kinglake," writes Mrs. Norton reproachfully to Hayward in the sulks.

On being assigned to that Division, Colonel Hayward was made Chief of Artillery. At the time of the battle of Gettysburg Colonel Hayward was assigned to duty in Washington. His health, never good, having completely broken down, he was compelled to resign and return home.

Councilmen 1st Ward William D. Nott, Robert Bailey, Henry Morgan. 2d Ward George Mendenhall, George Witherell, Jefferson Thomas. 3d Ward William T. Goodwin, George Kirk, Levi Johnson. Mayor Nelson Hayward. President of the Council George A. Benedict. Aldermen William D. Nott, Samuel Cook, Samuel Starkweather.

Baron von Xanten, pale and melancholy, was sauntering in the sun on the slope between the house and the all-the-year-round. He looked across to where Jim and the gardener were standing, and the identity of Hayward being established by what he brought, the Baron came down, and the gardener withdrew.

Hayward, the Duke of York's servant, and tells us that the Swede's Embassador hath been here to-day with news that it is believed that the Dutch will yield to have the treaty at London or Dover, neither of which will get our King any credit, we having already consented to have it at The Hague; which, it seems, De Witt opposed, as a thing wherein the King of England must needs have some profound design, which in my conscience he hath not.

BOSWELL. See ante, p. 318, note 1, where I quote the passage. Ib. p. 23. Ib. p. 45. Mr. Hayward says: 'She kept a copious diary and notebook called Thraliana from 1776 to 1809. It is now, he continues, 'in the possession of Mr.